Page 19 of His Perfect Gift
I raised my eyes, and he looked less than remorseful although he said, “I might have been a little overzealous.”
He ripped my panties and my dress. “It’s not too noticeable. I can manage.” I gripped my clutch, set to go back to the ballroom, before he stopped me, flattening his hand on my stomach.
“You misunderstood me. You arenotgoing back in there.”
“Because I can’t manage.” He spread his hand out. “Seeing you like this, knowing what I did to you. Knowing that delectable pussy is exposed under your dress. And fuck if I will let anyone see any more of your body.”
He was jealous. I hid a smile. “Fine. What do we do?”
He tapped on his cell and pocketed it, then draped his coat over my shoulders, tugging it together. “Did you drive here?”
“No. I took an Uber.”
He nodded solemnly. “I want you to wait here for five minutes. When you walk through the door, take the side exit down the corridor, and Ben will be there with the car.”
“And you?”
“I have to get back to the party. Ben will take you home.”
“But I don’t want to leave without you.”
“I can’t leave. I’m the face of this charity.”
“I’ll stay, too. The tear is down the seam, and no one would notice the difference.”
“The hell you will. You are not going back in there, flashing your tits to every horny asshole here tonight. Do you want me to commit murder? Because I was five seconds away from killing Miles earlier when he touched you.”
My mouth fell open at his comment. “Why, Mr. Thomas, I think you’re jealous.”
“You got that right. And if you disobey me, I’ll bend you over and spank your pert ass.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked, wondering when I had gathered enough confidence to tease like that.
He closed in on me, his jaw set in determination. “Don’t tempt me like that. I don’t have time to play.” He planted a hard kiss on my lips. “I want you to text me when you get home.” He pulled his phone out and placed it in my palm so I could input my number.
I tapped in my number and handed it back to him. “Anything else, sir?”
He stared at me intently, rolling his lips together before he turned and walked to the door. “Trouble,” I heard him say before he left me alone in the room.
I wrapped my arms around my stomach, running my hands over the fabric of his jacket. I bent down and inhaled, relishing the clean scent of sandalwood. An addicting scent that made me warm all over again. I missed him already.
I paused with self-doubt. What if he was trying to get rid of me? Or felt guilty again? Did I come off as too needy for him?
Negative thoughts swirled in my head, and I ran my fingers through my hair before hearing my cell chime in my clutch. Pulling out my phone, I saw a text.
Unknown number:Don’t forget to text me when you make it home.
My mouth curved, and I changed the contact info before shoving my cell into my clutch. I had a better idea.
I forged another fake smile and posed for what seemed like the millionth picture tonight, and I was posing with fucking Miles. After the camera flashed, I shook his hand and refrained from crushing it.
“Great event, Aaron.” He smiled mildly.
“Thank you for your support. If you’ll excuse me.” I started to walk away, checking my phone, and I messaged Ben.
Me:Did you take her home?