Page 38 of His Perfect Gift
“What is it?” he asked, watching me with uncertainty.
“How come a handsome, successful man like yourself has been alone all of these years?”
His brows scrunched together. “It was by choice. I wasn’t looking for anyone. It took me a long time to get over what happened to Jackie.”
“Oh.” I remembered how awful it was, the car accident that took her life. “I can only imagine how horrible that was.”
He swallowed slowly and asked, “How come a beautiful, successful girl like yourself was on an online dating site, posting all of those sexy pictures?”
“How did you know?” My eyes widened in realization. “You saw them?”
His teeth scraped his bottom lip. “I did.”
“How?” Did he have a profile set up, too?
“My son thought it would be funny to set up a dating profile for me.” He watched me as if expecting a reaction.
I brought my hands to my mouth in surprise. “It was you. Tommy32.”
“In the flesh.”
“Oh, my God.” My cheeks heated. “How embarrassing… the things I said. I thought you were trolling my DMs.”
“No. What I said was true. I was texting Axel, but somehow I messaged you by accident.”
“Did you know who I was?”
“No,AJ,” he teased. “Not until I saw you that night at dinner with your parents.”
“But you checked out my profile.” I poked him in the chest. “And you didn’t tell me it was you when we were at dinner.”
“Guilty as charged.” He held up his hands. “You were stunning. So stunning that I deleted the app that night because I knew you were too much of a temptation.”
“No wonder I never heard back from you.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you were falling for the troll, Tommy32?”
“Well, I was on the fence about him… until he sent me a picture of his rock-hard stomach,” I deadpanned. “Then I was hooked.”
“Brat.” He grabbed me and started tickling my ribs. I laughed and squirmed against him until I was breathless.
He was chuckling, too, but he eased up and wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. “Amber, I don’t think I’ve laughed this much in a long time.”
I lifted my head, eying him through my lashes. “I like seeing you laugh.”
“I do, too, Princess. I do, too.”
It’d been four days. Four days of pure, unadulterated bliss. Amber and I had spent every waking moment together in our own little world. You would think we were snowed in or something. Unfortunately, it was the end of December in Texas. Snow was rare. Hell, the low temps weren’t going to dip below forty degrees all week.
Didn’t matter. Amber was going to stay here for the rest of the week. We only left the house once to go to her place to pick up some clothes. We either ate leftovers, ordered in, or I cooked. I had a few meals in my wheelhouse. And breakfast… I could make it with my eyes closed.
Which was what I was making at the moment. I plated the bacon, poached eggs with hollandaise sauce, and sautéed vegetables. I set the plates down on the marble countertop and took a seat beside her.
“Wow. This is fancy.”
I smirked and took a sip of my orange juice. “It’s just something I whipped up in a pinch.”