Page 7 of His Perfect Gift
He stood up and enveloped a petite, dark-haired girl in his arms. Her floral-scented perfume wafted up my nose.
Her back was to me as she hugged Johana, who crooned, “My baby.”
“Mom, I’m not a baby.”
Bill held out his arm as his daughter turned around. “Aaron, you remember Amber?”
I felt like I took a punch to the gut when I saw her face. My body tensed, and I had to fight to keep my composure. It washer. AJ. Feisty, gorgeous AJ. Of course, AJ was her initials—Amber Johnson. But we’d been on the same dating app?
“I know it’s been a few years, but you do remember I have a daughter.” Bill’s eyes twinkled in jest.
I cleared my throat and stood.Get it the fuck together, Aaron. Forcing a smile, I held out my hand. “Of course, I remember her.” I remembered her as an awkward teen—not a grown-ass woman who posed on a beach in skimpy bikinis, looking like she needed a good dicking down. The same girl who said she liked older men and called me daddy. God help me.
“Uncle Aaron, I remember you.” She smiled, bypassing the handshake and wrapping her arms around me in a hug. I stiffened in her arms.Uncle Aaron.Jesus, I forgot that she called me “uncle” years ago. I wasn’t her uncle; it was just a term Bill and I’d always used with our kids since we were as close as brothers back in the day. I broke the contact, quickly putting space between us, and smoothed my tie.
I sent her a picture of my abs. Thank God I didn’t send a picture of my face… or a damn dick pic. At least I wasn’t a complete idiot the other night.
Her eyes scanned my face before turning to her father. “This is Chad.”
“Chad Michaels.” A twenty-something guy with combed-over chestnut-brown hair reached out and shook Bill’s hand. He looked like a douche in a button-down polo and khaki slacks. He was maybe five feet ten on a good day and looked soft. This joker already had the potential to have a potbelly in the making. My eyes narrowed. I didn’t like this asshole. Why was she with him?
He gave Johana a smarmy smile and presented her with a fucking rose. Probably picked it up from the sales bucket by the deli section of the grocery store.
When he turned to me, he pounded his chest before holding out a hand. “’Sup baller?”
My first instinct was to break his hand and slam his head on the table, but I had the wherewithal to be civil. For now. I shook his hand, acknowledging him curtly. Accepting that my thoughts were inexplicable. I was looking out for Amber. Just like Bill would do. I bet he was thinking the same thing as me—this guy was a tool.
However, Bill didn’t seem bothered at all. “Please, sit.” He motioned to the two empty seats beside me. “Let’s order some drinks and appetizers.”
“Sounds good to me,” Amber said and parked her round, firm ass in the chair next to mine, while Chad sat on her other side.
I lowered myself into my chair, praying that I could keep myself in check, while also contemplating ducking out of this dinner.
I fingered the edge of my napkin and felt a tap on the shoulder. Amber peered up at me. “Wow. It’s been, what? At least five years since I’ve seen you. You look exactly the same. I bet you still work out like a maniac.” She cupped my bicep, and my muscles tightened on instinct. “Rock solid,” she murmured as if in awe.
Trying to ignore the heat that passed through me, I said, “Yeah. I work out.” I realized my hands were clenched. Not to mention my dick was hard. This dinner had barely begun, and I was as hard as stone. This wasn’t good.
Luckily, the server approached, drawing everyone’s attention.
After ordering drinks and food, Amber said, “Dad, do you remember how you and Uncle Aaron put Will, Axel, and me through a mini boot camp that summer we vacationed in Colorado?”
I inwardly groaned hearing her call me “uncle” again.
Bill had his arm slung around his wife. “Yes. You were all involved in sports, and we”—he pointed at me—“were only helping you get into the best physical shape since we were the professionals.”
“True.” Amber shrugged before directing a thumb at me. “But this guy was relentless.” She gave me a reproachful look. “Do you know you made me cry?”
Damn. I made her cry? “I did?” I wracked my brain, trying to think of a time I would’ve ever said anything hurtful to her during that trip. I couldn’t recall.
“Well, not directly. But after one of your workouts, I was in my room, sobbing because my thighs hurt so bad after all that strength training and the five-mile run through mountainous trails you put me through.”
“He was only preparing you to be the best. You know that,” Bill said defensively. “Haven’t I always stressed to you and your brother that whatever you decided to do in life, you needed to strive to be the best? Not second best. And you went out and tried out for that select soccer team and ended up being the best player on the team.”
Bill took a pull from his drink. “Isn’t that right, Aaron? We wanted to instill in you kids that you had to put in sweat equity to be the best. Look at what Axel did. He’s one of the biggest stars in the NFL.”
Amber drained her cocktail and turned to Chad. “See what I have to deal with? Perfection.”
I wanted the best for Axel, but I never told him he needed to strive for perfection. “I can’t take credit for my son’s success. He did that all on his own. Whatever he decided to do, I only supported him in his decision.” I glanced at Amber. “I’m sorry if I was too hard on you. I would’ve never intentionally hurt you.”