Page 20 of Adored By the Wolf
“What in theworld are bubble gum books?” Becca asked through the phone.
I had stomped my way to a neighborhood park, meandered my way through the little kids playing on the playground, and found a secluded tree to plop myself under.
Calling Becca had come second nature. We had only recently met, but she felt like the sister I had always wanted; understanding and caring. I didn’t think twice before dialing her number.
“It’s just a term I use for books that don’t require any thinking on my part. I can just dive into them and lose myself in their world.”
“Ah, to get away from reality, right?”
“Yeah. Or just to get away from Lira.”
“I thought you and your sister got along great?”
“We do and we don’t. I love her because she’s my sister, but she can be such a handful, and I’m always the one left to clean up her mess.”
Becca was silent for a moment before she said softly, “I’m sorry to hear that. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Oh no, nothing. I just needed to hear a friend’s voice.”
“Well, that’s what I’m here for.” Becca seemed so happy; I hated that I was raining on her parade.
“What’s been up with you?” I asked her, as much to distract her as it was to distract myself.
“I got engaged!” she announced.
“You did?” I sat up straighter, and the excitement of her upcoming wedding washed away my own problems.
“Yeah, Brandon popped the question a week ago.”
“Aw! I’m so happy for you!” I gushed.
I could hear the smile in her voice. “Thank you! And I’m so glad you called, because I wanted to ask if you’d be one of my bridesmaids?”
I squealed. “Ahhhhhh! Yes! A thousand times, yes!”
Becca laughed, and the sound made me calm down even further.
When we’d quietened down, Becca said, “I don’t think the wedding is going to be soon, but you and Jill are my only girlfriends, so I’d really like you there with me while we plan it.”
“Of course! I’m so excited now! Have you thought of colors?”
“No,” Becca laughed. “I haven’t thought of anything more than to ask you and Jill to be my bridesmaid. Now that that’s done, I might move on to the next thing, whatever that is, or I might just grab a glass of wine, go sit on my lawn chair, and watch Brandon work on our new house with his shirt off.”
I couldn’t help laughing. “I’d join you, except that would be weird, me ogling your fiancé and all.”
“We’ll just have to find you one of your own,” she said with a clear verbal nudge.
“Don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.” Though, the feeling Jacob had produced in me still hadn’t gone away. I thought time would help to show me that what I’d felt was just an initial infatuation, but I could still vividly remember the scent of his cologne, the feel of his hand in mine, and the way he looked at me.
“Why not?” Becca questioned. “You’re a beautiful woman. But oh! Speaking of guys, did Jacob stop by the gallery to see you?”
“Yeah, he did.” Even through the phone I could sense how big Becca was beaming. “You’re not subtle, are you?”
“Not when it comes to what I think is the perfect match.”
“Becca, we hardly know each other!” I protested.