Page 24 of Adored By the Wolf
“Sandy seems really nice,” I said, rubbing my arms. She was also a lot stronger than she looked.
“Yes, her whole family is fantastic,” Becca said, opening the door to our room. “This used to be Jill’s room when she first moved here. It has one of the best views.” She paused for a second, looking at me as if undecided about something.
“What is it?”
“I know you just arrived and only know Jill and me. Well, Sandy now, too, but the family is eager to meet you. Everyone here is very close-knit. I hope you don’t mind, but they’ve insisted you join them for dinner.”
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, feeling more than a little relieved. “For a second there, I thought you were going to tell me someone had died. Of course, I’ll go to dinner. It’s the least I can do since they’re so open to me staying here.”
Becca beamed. “Great! Well, I’ll let you settle in on your own for a bit and will be back in an hour. We’ll head over to the family dinner together. Afterwards, the four of us girls can have a sleepover while going through wedding magazines.”
“That sounds like an awesome plan!”
“Fabulous. I’ll see you in an hour.” As Becca was leaving, she turned to say something, but appeared to change her mind and left the room with a wave of her hand.
As soon as the door closed, I put my bags down in the living room and walked toward the windows. Becca wasn’t kidding. The view was amazing. Trees as far as the eye could see and a wealth of quiet solitude. I took a deep breath in and made a note to visit here more often, if Becca would let me.
When I turned back to get my bags, I saw a large bouquet of my favorite flowers—gladioluses in varying colors of orange and pink—on the credenza. There was a note taped to the front of the bouquet with my name on it. I pulled out the florist card to see one of the neatest handwritings I’d ever seen.
I remembered these were your favorite flowers. Welcome to our home.
My heart beat faster. He remembered me! I’d been thinking about him non-stop since we met. I’d also been dreaming about the scene in the painting more often, and I didn’t know why. Some part of me wanted to attribute it to Jacob, but I couldn’t figure out the connection. Why would such a vivid dream be connected to Jacob?
I rubbed my thumb across the handwritten words, savoring every bump where his pen had made an indentation. His hand had held this card. This very card! I tucked it into my dress pocket. It wasn’t going to leave my side for a very long time.
I took a whiff of the flowers and smiled at the burst of color it gave the room. It was then I admitted to myself why I had come here. It wasn’t just to get away or to see Becca. I’d come here hoping I would see Jacob too.
* * *
“How many siblings are there?” I asked as Becca led me down a path into the woods.
“Let me see.” She was silent for a second while she counted. “Six in total, but Ray will be there too. She’s their cousin from their dad’s side and owns the floral shop in town.”
“Where Jill works?”
“That’s right; you have a good memory.” Becca flashed me a smile, but it was a little too big.
Feeling uneasy, I asked, “You were going to tell me something earlier. Is now a good time?”
“Right.” Her smile vanished, and she took a big breath before saying, “I wanted to warn you.” She paused, as if she wasn’t sure if she should share what she was about to say, but then thought otherwise and said, “The brothers are super nice men, but there’s a lot going on with the family right now health-wise, and it’s put a lot of stress on everyone. You might see a couple of them being very disagreeable.”
“How so?”
“They might argue and get physical.” Becca stopped walking and turned to face me. “But it’s really just two of the brothers. Everyone else will be just fine, I promise.”
“You’re being very cryptic. Should I not go today? I can just see you girls after dinner.”
“Oh no! Brandon’s parents really want to meet you.”
“Why? I’m no one special; I’m just here to see you and Jill.”
“They really like to know everyone who comes through their town. Just stick with me and Jill, okay? It’ll be fine.”
But she didn’t look very convincing. I should have turned around and gone back to my room, but I didn’t want to be rude and turn down the McCulloughs’ hospitality. Plus, how bad could it be? Becca would never bring me to a place where I was unsafe—unlike Lira. Though, that was unfair. Lira usually didn’t have a clue as to what was going on around her and said yes to any invitation she got, dragging me along with her.