Page 33 of Adored By the Wolf
“Yeah, for many generations. It’s a special place for us.”
“Your family takes really good care of it, it seems.”
“We take pride in it.”
Her smile dropped. “I wish my family had a place to call home. Instead, we have houses all over the world. I stopped keeping track after Mom and Dad sold the last three. I’m sure they have probably bought a couple more someplace else since then.”
“You don’t have a place that is solely yours?” The concept was foreign to me.
“Well, I guess the San Francisco house is as close to a home as I’ll get ’cause that has been in the family for the longest. I hope they never sell it; I love that house. But in all honesty, I feel the best when I’m up here at Crystal Lake. It’s so nice to be in a place where nature overrules humans. It’s quiet and serene; I really love it.”
Which meant there was hope that she would move here to be with me. My wolf got excited, and I told him to stay calm. We were still getting to know each other.
“What do you like to do for fun?” I asked her next.
“I like to go to dance parties. Dancing is one of my favorite things to do.”
“Oh.” That was not what I expected her to say at all, and why did her scent change when she said that? I could smell a bit of fear and anxiety mixed in with her fresh morning scent.
“I also like to go hang gliding,” she added.
“Oh.” Again, not what I expected. Neither were things I had ever wanted to do, but she liked them . . . .
“What do you like to do?” she asked.
“The same.”Wait—why did I say that?
But it was too late to retract my response because she was already saying, “Maybe you could come visit me in Crystal Lake one day, and we could go to the dance club down the street from me then?”
“That would be excellent. I would really like that.”The hanging out with you part, not so much the dancing and loud music part.I groaned, but my wolf didn’t care. He was running in circles, feeling excited that we were already planning a second date.
Our food came at that time, and I realized I wasn’t hungry for anything or anyone but Millie. While she devoured every last bite of her food, I picked at mine, wondering if Denis still had his hang glider and was booking tours.
After the meal, we walked around town for a bit, talking about our families. I learned she wasn’t too close to hers, but I could tell she loved them a lot. I felt the same about mine, except for Bruno. Bruno was like my twin. We did everything together . . . until now. I hated to think that the stereotype of boys fighting because of a girl was true for us, but I still wasn’t going to let him win her over. She was mine, no matter the consequences.
Ray’s flower shop came into view, and I led Millie there. When we walked through the shop door we found Ray behind the counter, putting together a bouquet of roses.
“Who are those for?” I asked.
“Your brother. Luc wants to shower Jill with roses once a week. He’s been doing it for a while now. Is there something I can help you with?” At the same time, Ray looked up and saw Millie. “Oh! Hi, Millie. It’s so good to see you again.”
Ray’s eyes tracked to mine, and I shook my head to let her know I didn’t want her gushing all over Millie, but it was too late.
Ray walked out from behind the counter and came toward us. “Are there any flowers in particular you like, Millie?” she asked her.
“Oh, I love gladioluses and bellflowers. Those are my favorites.”
“The sign of faithfulness, strength, and everlasting love. I love those too.” As Ray walked by me, she winked at me. I rolled my eyes, but I did appreciate that I now knew what other flower Millie liked.
“Here you go,” Ray announced, waving her hand at some flowers in a pot. “I don’t have bellflowers in, but I have a selection of these orange, pink, red, purple, and yellow gladioluses. The shades change every week, so you can come by again to replenish as needed.” She said this last part looking at me, and I gave her a nod.
“I’d love to have some purple ones,” Millie announced. “I love flowers.”
“Why don’t you pick some other colors too,” I said.
“Oh, well sure. I love the orange and pink ones too.”
“Perfect, I’ll get those wrapped up for you,” Ray said with a smile. “Look around, there are some potted plants in the back that work well in an apartment or places with less sunlight.”