Page 12 of We End With Us
“I wanted to tell them.” I say honestly.
King eyes me, “Why didn’t you?” He questions.
“Because if you’d died and I’d told them you survived I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself knowing I'd given them hope.” I tell him.
King nods, hiding it was the only option.
Things between us are tense, after everything we never had a chance to accept what King told us, now I’m not even sure if we can ever be the same again.
“Cass,” King sighs my name.
“What do you want me to say, King?” I snap, and my breathing quickens as anger seeps through me.
“I’m sorry, fuck I didn’t mean …” he says, running his fingers through his hair.
“Mean what?” Bass’ voice says behind us. He’s leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed and his glare focused on King.
“To hurt you,” King mutters.
Bass snorts, pushing from the doorframe, he begins pacing in the center of the room. Clutching his phone in his hand, he stares down at it like he’s willing it to give him answers.
“Hurt us? I think you did more than that, King,” Bass growls his name with venom.
“Bass,” King’s tone is gruff.
“No, fuck that, and fuck you. No, fuck both of you,” Bass growls, raising his hand toward us.
“Actually, fuck all of you. You filled Jordy in but kept me out.”
“You made us think you were gone. We were mourning your death, and you made Cass promise to keep your goddamn secret.” Bass spews his hate toward the both of us.
“Bass,” I say his name, but he holds his hand up forcing me to close my mouth again.
“I know why, fuck, I just wish you’d made me a part of it. I could have accepted that, but instead I thought …” He runs his hand over his face, forcing his tears away.
“I’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry.” King grunts.
“You fucking lied to us and made us believe we were a family, but instead, we were just your goddamn crew,” Bass says directly.
“You're not my crew,” King snaps. “You’re my fucking family,” he adds.
“Family, really, King?” Bass’ voice rises. My head drops forward knowing I need to diffuse these two before fists begin to fly.
“You say we’re a family, but right now, I don’t fucking believe you.”
“Bass.” King tilts his head to the side, pleading with him.
“No, fuck you, King. Fuck this goddamn family,” Bass barks.
“Enough,” I shout, springing to my feet. They both look in my direction. Footsteps sound down the stairs, Jordy coming into view.
“What the fuck’s with the shouting?” Jordy shakes his head looking between us.
“Him,” Bass growls, pointing at King, teeth grinding.
“Look, we obviously need to talk about everything,” I say.
“I did what I needed to, to survive,” King growls through clenched teeth. I notice he frowns slightly before holding his stomach again.