Page 17 of We End With Us
“Miller never mentioned you, ever. He was my best friend and he never told me he knew one of The Sinners.”
“Because he knew what I was capable of, clearly I misjudged him because, well, we all know how that ended.”
“Bass?” she murmurs softly.
“He was never your friend, it was all an act, something Santonio put him up to,” Bass tells her.
“Why not tell me when you had the chance to destroy him before everything came out?” she questions him.
Good question.
“I hate who I am, mamas. My entire life I’ve lived a lie and protected myself from what they can do to me.”
Nova takes a deep breath, knowing this is a lot for her to take in.
“I guess I can’t change it now.” She sighs.
She looks at Jordy.
Clearing his throat, Jordy’s gaze follows Nova as she moves in my lap. My cock reacts, but I force myself to control it the best I can while Jordy continues. “My parents left my little sister at home alone to go get high. They were always high, I can’t remember a time when they weren’t. When I was ten, I snuck out to go meet some friends. By the time I got back our entire house was on fire.” Nova covers her face with her hands, and I watch as a tear slides down her face.
Her entire body shudders as she does her best to control her emotions.
We knew this, Jordy has been broken since the day she died, he’s never been the same. The only time I’ve seen a change in him is when he’s with Nova.
“They never once accepted what they'd done, they’d blamed her for getting into things, me for not watching her, but they never accepted it was their fault. I couldn't handle that I didn’t save her, that I was supposed to be there for her. I watched that house burn down, knowing my little sister was inside,” Jordy’s jaw ticks while he struggles to keep his composure. “Knowing she died a horrible death because I wasn’t there, it’s something I’ve never been able to accept. I dream about her every night, see her face, hear her laugh. So, I don’t sleep.”
Night terrors, that's what they call them. Jordy survived on the bare minimum, he said sleep wasn’t going to help because she always came to him when he slept.
“I only saw them when they needed something from me, it’s how they always were, I just accepted that. They’d call me, wanting to see me and until today I turned them down, but I'm meeting them later. I think it’s time we finish this. I dream about killing them every day. I can't sleep because all I see is her face and the pain she would have felt.”
“If you could have saved her, Jordy you would have,” Cass tells him. We all nod agreeing with him. Like me, Jordy lost a younger sibling, one he felt responsible for, and like me he failed. I guess I’m used to failing the things I love. Bass lifts his head, his gaze catching mine before he looks away. I don’t want to choose, I want them both.
Nova looks around at us, unsure of how to look at us knowing our secrets are out. “There’s more isn't there?” she asks. We all simply nod. I know Jordy’s keeping who his parents worked for from her, but I understand why, they’re not bad people per se they just do bad things, but for good reasons. She's heard enough for today.
“That's enough for today,” I say.
“But,” she protests. Holding up my hand to silence her, she needs a break. We all do.
“Trust me, princess, we’ll tell you everything, but we don’t want to overload you with everything at once.” Fuck, she’d run away screaming.
“Can’t you just tell me now?” She frowns. Jordy sighs deeply before he runs his hands over his face.
“Baby girl, my past fucked me up, it took away all the beauty in my life and I only saw pain—” he sighs again, giving her a soft smile. “—until you.” His gaze finds her, and they share a moment before she looks away. If only it was that easy to take away all our pain.
“I want to see Vicki.”
“Okay, pup, that we can all agree on,” Cass says.
“I want to go home,” she whispers.
“No,” we all say together. Nova frowns before getting up from my lap and running from the room. Cass goes to run after her. Forcing my hand over his bicep, I stop him.
“Let her have some space.”
He grumbles and follows her anyway.
Always the hero, but I guess out of all of us he’s the closest to Nova. I just hate that she wants to leave.