Page 3 of Merry Krampus
Leaving him wound in my whip, I just placed the bag above his head and slipped it down. Tightening the string, I flipped it right over my shoulder in my haste to get out of here. Luckily being magical included perks for the job, so my hooves didn't make echoing sounds down the hall unless I wanted them to. My tail flicked behind me because the tingling sensation wouldn't stop now that we had a new problem to handle, but I didn't know how we had a new one when all the orders had been given out to collect.
Once I made it down the stairs, I sneakily left through the front door where I found my brothers on the sidewalk awaiting me. They managed to stand beside some bushes to hide their bodies, but we were masked with some protections from the human world as well. Only those from our world could see us. The problem became some people didn't know they were from our world of supernatural elements, so the legend of our kind rose from their petrified image.
Making my way to them, they could see the annoyance on my features. George had to flip his red hair out of his face from how it blew in the wind as Konrad grinned from seeing me join them. Before either could say anything, I held up my hand that we wouldn't be going home yet. “My tail's tingling.”
“But we've collected our list,” George groaned.
“Yes, but I can tell you there's something else because of what's happening to my tail.” Turning around, I let my tail attached to my goat legs show as my brothers watched how it twitched and flicked in rhythmic patterns because that's how it worked.
“Maybe they forgot someone, and we’re the closest to it?” Konrad always had a kinder heart than we did and wanted to see the best in everyone.
“It doesn't matter why there's a random one, there is. Let's just go get it handled, then we can go home and pass out for the day.”
Chapter five
Tossing and turning, I couldn't fall asleep right away. Even with how much wine flooded my veins, I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. Part of me knew the reasoning had to be behind the fact that this was now a stranger's bed, and I felt like an uninvited guest. Trying to not think about it, the thought kept finding its way back to my mind. Even though I really wanted to forget everything, being in this damn cabin didn't help.
No matter what I tried to think about, my loneliness brought me back to the breakup. It made me think about how ridiculous I must have looked to his family right now. That I was at their cabin and staying by myself as they all retreated somewhere else. They literally planned to abandon me in this cabin, and I knew none of them would be sincere in an apology after it. How nice it must be to hide behind money.
My annoyance kept festering and becoming problematic in my mind. Sitting up with a sigh, I knew there was one way to help me sleep, and it would take my mind off Greg. Sometimes, the best medicine a woman needed was to give herself an orgasm. I never felt bothered by the notion that I had to please myself here and there, but it did bother me that men couldn't satisfy me in the ways my body craved. That’d be the one reason I wouldn't miss Greg.
Reaching for my bag, I lifted it up to be on the empty side of my bed and opened my luggage to see all the pretty things I brought for what I planned to be a fun weekend. Even though I would be doing this by myself, I knew how to touch my body properly to give myself an orgasm. I just had to pick which toy my body would desire right now. Deciding to go for my rabbit, I wanted both inner and outer stimulation to help me really feel like I could be treated well.
Turning it on, the comfort of the buzzing felt a little too natural, but my body recognized what it would give me. Relaxation was just a buzz away, and I didn't have to feel guilt for thinking about a different man. Closing my eyes, I swirled the tip of the toy at my entrance to collect some wetness before placing the tip against my clit. A heavy sigh left my lips as I immediately felt some of my tension leave.
Letting my mind enjoy its own version of fun, I understood that I could envision whatever I wanted. My mind painted a tan man with dark hair who had strong shoulders. He'd be above me, holding the bed frame over my head for me to see the perfect outline of his body, and his strong gaze would be demanding my submission. He’d almost have a glare, but it wouldn't be menacing. It would be an offer for domination over me, and I'd gladly accept.
He'd say something dirty to me like how men do in books. My mind wasn't quite sure what I wanted him to say, but it'd be something that would sound nasty to a normal person but sexy in the bedroom with a filthy whore like me. He'd make me feel like a woman would with her mafia man or an old lady in a biker gang. Yeah, my thoughts kept spiraling as I dreamt of the perfect man.
Being manhandled would just be the perk of all his other traits. He wouldn't let me get up from my spot until he pleased me perfectly because my pleasure would come first. On that thought, I finally inserted my toy and let it keep working me into a blissful satisfaction. The rabbit ears kept swirling over the spot that would help create my orgasm while the vibration and hardness entered my core to fulfill the need to be stuffed. Sometimes, I wanted to use a larger toy and let it stretch me out, but I feared what it would do long term to me. Well, I feared how men would perceive it.
I couldn't be the only woman who desired to have that stretching satisfaction, but not many of us voiced wanting to be aching from pushing our limits. It'd be wonderful to have a man who would ravish me as I was being stretched and calling me his perfect girl. He'd compliment my subservient behavior and reward me with more orgasms for being his good girl. My desire to please him would manifest because of how much he pleased me because we would feed off each other.
Already feeling the building pressure, my body had been waiting too long to have a release. It came faster than I originally wanted, but I also knew I couldn't afford to lose the one that came on. Rocking me to my core, my whole body began to quake as the orgasm took over, curling my toes. There was a satisfaction in the way I could feel the nerves shoot down my legs when I came this hard. Greg never experienced it, but I secretly knew it was there when I offered this stimulation to myself.
After being quickly pleased by my toy, I slipped it out of my folds and placed it next to me on the bed. With the bathroom downstairs, I didn't want to get up and go clean it right away. Maybe the alcohol began talking with my tiredness or maybe I was just that lazy, but I could clean it in the morning just fine. Closing my eyes, I finally felt the pull of my subconsciousness manifesting. It wanted me to succumb to the darkness of my mind, so I did.
A troubling sound roused me as I heard a chair being knocked over downstairs. Going on high alert, I sprang up in my bed. Surprised, I found all my toys on the floor turned on and vibrating with their lights flashing because their power had been flipped. Narrowing my eyes, I couldn't figure out how that had happened unless I sleepwalked and did it. Before I could think too much about my toys, I heard another ruckus coming from downstairs.
The loft I slept in was an open area above the floor below me, but I feared walking to the edge and seeing what might be down there. Reaching for the closest weapon I had, my hand took hold of the rabbit I had been using earlier. Luckily, it was a little longer than most of my other toys and had a thicker girth made of silicone. She might be pink in color, but she was also heavy.
Slowly slinking out of the bed, I stayed low to the ground until I got to the stairs. I couldn't see anyone directly below me in the living area, so I began creeping down the stairs to surprise my attacker. Maybe it was just a raccoon that somehow managed to get inside, but it didn't matter because my safety needed to come first.
Preparing for battle, I rounded the bottom corner just as I heard a man mutter a curse word. When I was able to see him, I screamed in terror. The man before me wasn't a man at all with his goat-like legs and hooves for feet. Horns circled around his long hair like they formed with his skull in the womb. He flipped my way to see the frightened female in the room, so I did the only thing I could. I karate chopped my toy in his direction, releasing the barreling bendy dildo in my grasp. He began screaming right when I threw my toy, and I somehow managed to perfectly get the tip of my rabbit into his mouth, watching the handle flop up and down after the initial impact.
The surprise caught him off guard, so he froze with the dildo in his mouth. That's when two others emerged from the kitchen, angered that their friend hadn't been helping them break in.
“Duncan, stop fucking around. We need to get to work.” They both froze the second they saw me as I began pointing between the three of them, staring at their muscular forms that weren’t human.
“Who the hell are all of you?” I wheezed. Right when I wanted to start screaming bloody murder, I noticed a wind that had a child cackling in it. A swarm of whipping wind went around the room. It managed to pull pictures off the wall and the gust dashed by my legs, scratching the back of my thighs.
When I hissed in pain, the three of them rubbed the back of their necks and pointed to whatever they were doing with a Christmas bag over one of their shoulders. That's when I noticed one of them wearing a Christmas hat like they were somehow Santa Claus, but my mind realized what version of Santa they were. In German folklore, Krampus came for the naughty kids, but I guess there was more than one with three of them standing before me.
“An evil spirit was released, so we're here to collect it before it can do too much harm in the world.” The dark haired one spoke to me like his answer would be enough to calm me down.