Page 29 of Leilani's Hero
When Leilani boarded, Angel followed.
The captain and Dev joined her on deck.
“How did it go last night?” she asked Dev.
He shook his head. “I slept on the deck with one eye open. Nothing moved. No one approached the boat. It was a quiet night full of nothing but stars.”
“That’s good,” Leilani turned to the blond-haired, blue-eyed captain of Windsong II. “Captain Dave, this is Angelo Cortez. He’s a new deckhand who’ll be working with me on the Windsong I. Angel, Captain Dave Smith.”
The two men shook hands.
“Prior service?” Angel asked as he released the captain’s hand.
Captain Dave nodded. “Eight years in the Navy, and I never left the land.” He snorted. “I had to leave the Navy to get back to the water.” He cocked an eyebrow. “You?”
“Also, Navy,” Angel said. “Spent more time in the desert than in the water.”
“Glad to have you as part of the Windsong crew. You’ll like working with Captain Ako. He’s a good man.”
“Thank you.” Angel nodded to Dev without saying anything.
Dev nodded back.
Leilani left the boat and boarded Windsong I.
Captain Ako and the only other deckhand on board met her on the deck.
Captain Ako shook Leilani’s hand. “Glad to have you aboard for today’s tour.”
“Glad to be here,” Leilani said. “How’s Suzy?”
His lips twisted. “Butting heads with her mother and counting the days until she and the kids can come home.”
Leilani smiled. “Amos and Kalea getting along in school on the Big Island?”
“As best they can. Amos drove his kindergarten teacher up the wall for the first couple of weeks until he finally settled down. Kalea’s already established herself as the teacher’s pet in her third-grade class.” He sighed. “They’re a lot of work, but I miss them like crazy. It’s too quiet without them.”
“Give Suzy my love next time you talk.” She touched his arm. “I wish I could tell you it’ll get better soon.”
“But you can’t.” He nodded. “We just have to take it one day at a time.”
Leilani stepped back. “Captain Ako, this is our new deckhand for the day, Angelo Cortez. He’ll be working with me to learn the ropes. He’s friends with Reid and Dev.”
Captain Ako held out his hand. “Welcome aboard.”
“Thank you, Captain,” Angel said.
Leilani smiled at the only other deckhand. “Josh, Angelo. Angelo, Josh.”
Angel shook hands with Josh. “Nice to meet you.”
Leilani got to work, showing Angel what needed to be done to prepare for the guests who would arrive within the hour.
He worked quickly and efficiently, even taking the initiative to clean places that needed attention without having them pointed out.
Leilani stowed the catered continental breakfast and the trays of food that would be served as a buffet for lunch. Beer and soda were loaded into ice chests. She checked the bottles of alcohol arranged behind the bar and made note of the ones that would need to be replaced before the next day’s tours.
By the time the resort shuttle dropped off the guests, the boat was ready.