Page 31 of Leilani's Hero
She turned her head from side to side. “Maybe she was afraid of herself.”
“Why?” he asked softly.
“Confused. Barely knows him. They only have a short time together. Afraid he might not be as attracted to her as she is to him.” She snorted. “Out of practice.”
His eyes flared. “Oh, he’s attracted. She’s beautiful, brave, intelligent and kind.”
“He’s leaving after a week.”
“All the more reason to kiss sooner than later.” He tugged her hand, pulling her toward him as he leaned over the bar.
“Hey, Leilani,” Josh called out from the water. “Trade this mask for another, will you?” He tossed a mask onto the deck. “It leaks.”
Angel shook his head and let go of Leilani’s hand. “At this rate, I’m beginning to think we can’t catch a break. I’ll get this.” He turned, grabbed another mask from the barrel and handed it over the side to Josh.
“You should come in,” Josh said. “I’ve never seen as many fish in one trip as today.”
Leilani came to stand beside Angel. “You should go.”
He frowned. “I’m not here to play in the water.”
She waved her hand around at the boats parked in a line. “Nothing’s going to happen in a bay full of witnesses. Go. See why people love to come to Maui and why we’re so proud of our islands. I’ll be fine.”
He held out his hand. “I won’t go unless you come with me.”
Her eyes narrowed. Normally, she stayed on board, getting things ready for lunch. But she was caught up. If she stayed on board, she’d just be standing around wishing she’d gone with Angel.
Leilani smiled. “Why not?” With a quick movement, she yanked her Windsong polo shirt over her head and stepped out of her shoes and shorts, glad she’d decided to wear her bikini under her work clothes at the last minute.
Angel shucked his T-shirt, exposing an impressive, muscular chest that made Leilani forget for a moment how to breathe.
What she wouldn’t give to run her fingers over his skin and test how solid those muscles were.
She grabbed a mask and snorkel, tossed them to Angel and selected one for herself. The sooner they got into the chilly water of the Pacific, the sooner her libido would cool, and she could think straight again.
Angel snagged a couple of pairs of fins, handing her one set. They sat side by side on the bench and slid their feet into the fins.
When she stood, she yelled, “Captain Ako, I’m going in with the others. You’re alone on board.”
Captain Ako came to the edge of the upper deck and gave her a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am. Have fun.”
She fit her mask over her face and duck-walked to the back of the boat. “Last one in is a rotten—"
Before she got the last word out, a flash of man-flesh flew by her as Angel performed an awesome belly-flop into the sea.
Leilani laughed, held onto her mask and stepped over the side, dropping down into the water.
After standing in the warm air and sunshine, the chill of the Pacific Ocean took her breath away. Leilani surfaced and looked around for Angel but didn’t find him.
A hand grabbed her ankle and yanked her downward. She barely had a chance to catch a breath before she submerged.
Angel’s hands climbed up her body and wrapped around her, his fingers firm against her naked skin. Then they surfaced to breathe.
As much as she wanted to get close to his incredible body, a mask and snorkel were far from sexy and not at all conducive to any kind of foreplay. She made a note to herself to take Angel swimming at the resort’s beach. No snorkel or mask.
Suits optional.