Page 36 of Leilani's Hero
“Preferably before.”Angel released her hand, started the car and shifted into drive. “I’ll check with our computer guy, Swede, and see if he has come up with anything in his research.”
“I should skip the bridesmaids’ dress fitting this afternoon. My time would be better spent talking to prime suspects. I can’t have this happen again. Those people on board could’ve died.” Leilani buried her face in her hands. “When that boat hit, all the guests on board were tossed like rag dolls. I’m surprised there weren’t more injuries.”
“Getting them on the floor helped. That was a brilliant move.”
She snorted. “I really should shut down the tour business. It’s selfish of me to keep going when there’s so much potential for danger.”
“We’ll know to carry weapons next time. If someone comes at us like the jet boat did today, we can open fire.”
Leilani’s stomach dropped at the thought. “What if they shoot back?” She threw up her hands. “Then we could have bullet wounds along with the bruises, scrapes and concussions from having our boat rammed. And don’t forget the potential for capsizing and drowning.” She leaned her head against the seat and closed her eyes. “I should cancel tomorrow’s snorkeling trip.”
Angel lifted her hand in his, glanced briefly toward her and then returned his attention to the road. “I doubt you’ll have another boat attack,” he said, “but now that I voiced that prediction, we probably will.” He grimaced in her direction. “I’d knock on wood, but there’s not much wood in modern vehicles.”
“Why?” she said, gulping back the sob rising up her throat.
“Why don’t they put wood trim in cars like they used to?” he shook his head. “Beats me.”
She laughed, the sound choked by the lump lodged around her vocal cords. “Why are they attacking my business?”
Angel’s brow dipped. “I don’t know. Hopefully, they’ll find the boat and whoever drove it into the Windsong. Until they do, we have little to go on.”
“So, we keep operating what we have left until the next thing happens?” She shook her head. “The fires were bad enough. We haven’t even recovered from them. Now this. I could handle all of it if it was just me they were targeting. But it’s not just me.”
She pushed the stray hairs back from her face. “My crews are like family. I got the tour company back up and running as soon as I could so they would have a way to make a living. Attacking the boat was an attack on the company and my crew family. And God bless the people who put their trust in our hands to take their loved ones on a safe excursion.” She looked at the road ahead. “There has to be something I can do to make this stop.”
“And that might be the motivation behind the attacks.”
“To make me stop the tours? To cut off any kind of income stream and leave me with only one option?” She drew in a breath and let it out slowly. “I’d have to sell the business and land I inherited from my father and grandfather.”
“Which brings us back to the real estate brokers who’ve been hounding you to do just that,” Angel said.
“I’m not the only landowner in Lahaina. I haven’t heard of any of them being targeted like this.” None of it made sense to Leilani.
He cast a glance her way. “Have you been in touch with any of the other landowners?”
“Some. The people who owned property on either side of mine. But it’s been a few weeks. I should do that now.” She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed the number for Celeste Romano, the woman who’d owned the clothing shop on the south side of Leilani’s building. “Let’s see what Celeste has to say.”
Celeste answered on the second ring. “Leilani, how are you?”
“I’m okay,” Leilani lied. “How about you? Are you still at the Westin?”
“I was until last week,” her friend said. “I found a house to rent with a yard and access to the beach. The Westin was nice to let me stay with my dog, but I felt like we were overstaying our welcome, especially when they started filling up with paying customers. Having a big dog on the resort that normally doesn’t allow pets was pushing their limits. Besides, Winston loves the house and walks along the beach. What about you? Still at the Palms?”
“I am.”
“Did you get your tour business up and running in time for the reopening of Maui’s tourism?” Celeste asked.
“I did,” Leilani said. “How is your online store working out for you?”
“Better than I could’ve hoped for. I rented a storage unit to stage products and package shipments. I make enough to pay my bills and rent this house.”
Leilani took a deep breath and jumped in. “Have you made any decisions on what you’re going to do with your property in Lahaina?”
“I’m still on the fence. It’s taking forever for the insurance company to give me numbers. Not that we could do anything with the insurance money until the cleanup efforts are complete. The best part about the online store is that I’m maintaining connections with my clothing distributors. That will make it easier for me when or if I set up my new brick-and-mortar store.” She paused for only a second. “Are you being bombarded with calls and unsolicited visits from brokers making offers for your land?”
“Yes,” Leilani sank back in her seat. “Every day. This morning, I had half a dozen of them at my door waving contracts. They gave me some story about receiving word from me that I was ready to sell. I never sent a message like that.”