Page 62 of Leilani's Hero
Her gaze shifted from his eyes to his lips. “No?”
He chuckled. “No. But I’m beginning to believe love could fall into your lap when you least expect it.”
Leilani’s gaze shot back up to meet his. “Are you falling in love with me?” She drew in a breath and let it out. “I hope so because I’m halfway there myself.”
He pulled her closer. “Only halfway?”
She pressed her lips to his. “Mmm. Make that three-quarters of the way.”
“What will it take to bring you around to one hundred percent?” Angel brushed his lips across her.
“More of this.” Leilani kissed him, thrusting her tongue past his teeth.
Desire flared, sending heat throughout his body and south to his groin.
They kissed until they were forced to come up for air.
Leilani leaned her forehead against his. “I want to make love with you.”
His cock twitched at her words, growing harder by the second. “Not nearly as much as I want to make love with you.”
She sighed. “I’m ready to go back to the resort.”
“You don’t want to stay here and make love in the starlight?” he asked.
“Tempting,” she said. “But remember what I said about getting sand in places sand shouldn’t be?”
“Oh, yes.” He grimaced. “Good point. And I’m almost sure I didn’t restock my wallet with protection.” He pushed to his feet and held out his hand. “Let’s go.”
Angel held her hand on the drive back to the resort, eager to get her alone and naked. Then he’d make love with her. By the time they were done, he hoped to have her at one hundred percent.
Though he’d never believed a person could fall in love in less than a week, he was already there—one hundred percent.
When they pulled into the parking lot, Angel shifted into park and flung open his door. He couldn’t get Leilani to her room fast enough.
She was already out of the car by the time he got around to her. He took her hand in his and started walking toward her building. Their steps got faster the closer they got until they were running, laughing and ready to get behind closed doors.
Angel slowed as they rounded a corner and Leilani’s building came into sight.
“Shh,” Leilani pressed a finger to her lips. “We don’t want anyone to know we’re back. I swear Olina’s kids have radar ears.”
They hadn’t reached her door when Angel’s cell phone rang. He fumbled in his pocket in an attempt to silence the ringer before it went off again. When he pulled it out, he read the caller ID and wished he hadn’t.
He frowned down at Leilani. “Sorry. I need to get this.” Angel answered, “Hey, Teller, whatcha got?”
“Reid and I are on our way over to Leilani’s,” Teller said. “Hank and Hawk want an update on what happened today and what we want to do about it.”
“It can’t wait until morning?” Angel asked, knowing it couldn’t. But he could always hope.
“Afraid not. Swede was able to tap into some video surveillance systems near the harbor. He’s reviewing footage as we speak and hopes to have something soon.”
Angel sighed. “All right. We’ll be here.” He ended the call and met Leilani’s gaze in the light from the corner of the building. “We’re about to have company.”
Leilani frowned. “I guessed as much. Hopefully, we can make it quick.”
“I don’t know how quick it’ll be. Hank Patterson and my boss, Jace Hawkins, want to be brought up to date on what happened this morning, which shouldn’t take long. But they also want to talk about what’s next. I hope they have some ideas.”
Leilani turned toward her building. “Let’s get inside. I want to run a brush through my hair before they get here.”