Page 34 of Melody
“Yes, you think that he got most valuable player your senior year because he’s a Steel. And he agrees that the choice between you and him was impossible. You probably should’ve both been chosen.”
“But we bothweren’tchosen. That’s a fact.”
Maddie interjects. “You know how tired I am of hearing about this? It was fourteen years ago, Jesse. Get over it.”
“Yeah, sis. You’re right.” I drain the rest of my glass of water. “Back to the salt mines for me.”
“Salt mines?” Brianna asks. “The pool tables are salt mines?”
“Yeah, they are. The way I’m playing tonight, anyway.” I set my empty water glass down on the table more harshly than I mean to. “Ciao.”
I walk back, resisting the urge to look at Brianna again.
What the hell is getting into me?
That fact that it’s been so long since I’ve been laid is part of the problem. I don’t particularly like indiscriminate sex, but tonight?
If someone comes my way, I’ll be biting.
Chapter Thirteen
Maddie finishes her drink.
“You want another?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “How about a game of pool?”
I promised myself I wouldn’t go to the pool tables and flirt with Jesse Pike. I promised myself that tonight was about kindling my friendship with Maddie.
But…this is her idea, right?
“Sure.” I gesture to Ava. “I’ll have another.”
“You got it, cuz.” Ava gives me a thumbs-up, her diamond sparkling on her left hand.
“Where’s Brendan?”
She motions toward the back of the bar. “He’s doing some inventory. He’ll be out in a little while.”
I nod and follow Maddie back to the pool tables. Just our luck. The one next to where Jesse and the two others are playing is free.
“You want to rack?” Maddie asks.
“Sure.” I grab the triangle and rack the balls quickly. My pool cue of choice is being used by another person, so I grab a different one.
“I rack, you break.” I nod to Maddie.
Jesse’s standing, drinking another glass of water, watching Dragon and Cage finish their game. Cage is beating Dragon.
Maddie takes a perfect shot, and the three ball hits one of the side pockets. “Looks like I’m solids.” She takes another shot, missing.
I’m good at pool, and I always hope that Jesse is watching me when I win a game.
He’s usually not.