Page 70 of Melody
The server nods.
“I’m also really sorry about your luggage.”
Jesse shrugs, not meeting my gaze. “It happens.”
“Yeah. And I’m sorry you couldn’t get that upgrade to first class.”
“My own fault. I waited too long.”
I’m not sure what to say to that, so I take another very tiny sip of my drink.
The server comes with Jesse’s scotch, nods to my can. “You want another?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
“You sure you want to drink all that caffeine?” Jesse says. “We need to sleep if we’re going to get on London time.”
“The caffeine in Diet Coke never bothers me,” I say. “When you’ve been raised on strong coffee like I have, this is nothing.”
He doesn’t say anything. Simply nods.
Then he downs a scotch in one gulp.
“Good night.” He rises, pulls some bills out of his wallet.
“I can get that,” I say. “If it’s more than Donny’s money, I’ll just charge it to the room.”
“I pay my own way.” He leaves the bills, turns to walk away, but then he looks over his shoulder.
My heart races.
“You want to get out of here?”
“And go where?”
“I don’t know. But there’s one thing that I know will help me sleep tonight.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
I tried.
I fucking tried.
How am Inotsupposed to look at her?
Brianna Steel is fucking beautiful.
She looks better now than she did at dinner tonight, but at dinner, I was trying not to fall asleep.
Then of course when I finally get back to my room, threw myself onto the bed—sleep didn’t come.
And now?
Brianna—her long dark hair like a curtain around her shoulders and over her breasts, her long-sleeved Dragonlock T-shirt that hugs her figure, and her tight boot-cut jeans and cowboy boots.
Her whole look screams American cowgirl.