Page 53 of Keep Me Close
None of that is an answer about Somerset Harbor, and I have the sneaking suspicion that if I push on the matter, it’ll be another five years before he returns. I do not want that for Owen. His father is hellbent on doing what he wants, and I can’t say I’m surprised. I’ve backed him into a peculiar corner.
I don’t know much about who Everett is as a man, but when he was younger, he was irresponsible. He left university for backpacking around South America. He hooked up with me under a false name. The fact he’s responsible for half of Owen’s DNA doesn’t change any of that. Maybe my sonisbetter off without him around.
The words taste like ashes in my mouth. “Do whatever you want, Everett. Isn’t that what you always do?” I stomp back to my car, embarrassed and angry at myself for hoping for a happy ending.
“It’s been four days,” I mutter, while faking a smile and waving at parents in the drop-off at school.
Lily nods. She’s already said goodbye to Aiden and Frannie for the morning, and they ran off for the small playground out front. Most of the kids hang out there until the first bell, so Owen is playing with them, too. It’d be a perfect morning if I weren’t preoccupied by Everett and his shenanigans.
Thankfully, Lily is being a good friend and keeping me company at the moment. She sighs. “I know. We haven’t heard from him, but Cormac says this is completely normal for him, so I’m not sure what we’re supposed to worry about at this point. The fire in Maine is done. He might head to the next one any day now.”
“I can’t believe he hasn’t tried to reach out yet.”
“To be fair, you did kind of surprise him at work, and from the sound of things, it didn’t go all that great.”
I wish I could stop sighing whenever I think of my ill-fated trip to Maine. “No, it did not. He’s so damn stubborn!”
“Says the woman who refused to tell him about his son for weeks.”
“Hey. You know why I didn’t.”
She mildly shrugs. “Yes, I know why you didn’t. I also know it’s a flimsy excuse for something this big.”
I scowl so hard my eyebrows hurt. “Seriously? This again?”
“Face it, sweetie, you messed up. This whole thing freaked him out, and if I were in his shoes, I’d be freaked out, too. I don’t think his reaction is all that terrible, considering all the details.”
“Can’t I just complain without getting an earful of how horrible I am?”
She gives me a wan smile. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are. That’s a weird thing to say.”
“Friends are honest with each other, Aria. Even when we don’t like it.” She pauses and corrects herself. “Especiallywhen we don’t like it. I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t call you out on your bullshit now and then. Wouldn’t be doing you any favors by letting you get away with bad choices.”
I huff and tip my head onto her shoulder. It takes some doing, since she’s shorter than me. Watching the kids play brings a little joy, but it’s hard to focus on any of it. I still have a nasty taste in my mouth from Maine. “Okay. I know that’s what I signed up for with you. You’re a lot of things, Lily, but you’re not a liar, and I won’t ask you to be one.”
“Thank you.”
“But could you sugarcoat things just a little bit?”
She laughs and shrugs me off. “Not my style.”
“I know. Sadly.”
“How’s your latte?”
“Better this time, thanks. What’s the secret?”
She smirks. “Like I’ll tell you my chef’s secrets.”
I snicker and drink more down. Given the weather has turned bitter, I’m grateful every time she brings me her secret recipe latte. I know there’s cinnamon, but hell if I can pin down the rest of it. “Vanilla bean?”