Page 64 of Keep Me Close
He takes me in his arms, pressing me to his mouth once more. His tongue slips between my lips, and I open to him. He wraps his arms around my low back, and with my arms around his neck, there’s that feeling again. The one that tells me this is where I’m supposed to be.
When he finally pulls back, he quietly says, “I know exactly what you mean.”
Could it be that we’re on the same page? “You do?”
His fingertips brush my cheek as he looks me over. “Aria, being near you is my favorite torture.”
I smile. “Miranda is right about your charm.”
He laughs. “What I mean is, sitting next to you makes me feel alive. Electric. But not being able to touch you at the same time…it’s hell. I know things can be complicated, but there’s no reason theyhaveto be. We can get it right this time.”
“I want to believe that.” More than anything.
His half-smile makes me tingle inside. “We’ll make it work.”
I kiss him again and wrap him up in me. My arms around his neck, my legs at his waist. One of the good things about having a kid who is a sound sleeper is I know he won’t wake up, as long as we don’t knock something over. Everett holds onto my ass and walks me back to the living room while we kiss. But I murmur, “The hall. Door to the right.”
We’re on the move again, and once inside my bedroom with the door shut, I peel off my robe. It’s been a long time since Everett’s seen me naked, and I’d be nervous if I weren’t so wound up that I could scream.
Check that. No screaming. Little ears around.
When I grab the hem of my pajama top, Everett grabs my hand to stop me. “We don’t have to pick up where we left off. I’d be happy to just kiss you and hold you all night. I didn’t come here for sex.”
Oh god. Did I read him wrong? “Is that what you want? Just kissing and holding?”
He closes the distance between us, and his voice goes deep. “I want to be inside of you more than I want my next breath. But I’ll wait for you, if that’s what you want.”
My insides go molten at that. Instead of answering him with words, I finish taking my top off, followed by stripping my lounge pants off along with my underwear. When I crawl backward onto my bed, he removes his clothes with his eyes on me. Then, he grabs my ankles and pulls me back down the bed, and it makes me laugh. With my legs draped over the side, he stands between my feet and cups my chin in his hand to make me look up at him when all I want to do is stare at his body.
He’s chiseled, and he’s naked in my bedroom. I should at least get to look. But there’s that half-smile again, and I’m happy to do whatever he wants. Everett gets on his knees in front of me, so we’re at each other’s eye level. Then he presses his hand to my chest to tell me to lie down. Once I do, he kisses the inside of my thigh, bypassing my core, and going to the other thigh. When he gives a little nibble, I groan.
“Didn’t saywhereI wanted to kiss you all night.”
I smirk. “You cheeky bastard. I will not stand for teasing.”
He laughs, then yanks my thighs over his shoulders and mauls my pussy. His tongue does this thing—I can’t place it. But it makes me writhe for him. His arms wrap around my hips, and I clench onto the bedspread, unable to do much more than take it. I grind myself up at his face, so close to the edge I might burst. But he dips up. “Cover your mouth for me, love. You might wake someone.” Then he goes back to it.
I press my forearm to my mouth and hope it’s enough. Heat twirls in my stomach, and the tension makes me rigid. When my climax hits, I lose my mind and bite down on my arm. It’s too much. Not enough. Need more. Not yet.
He takes his time with me, spreading his tongue all over until my quaking fades to a tremble with every touch. Then Everett kisses his way up to me as he lies on top of me. His arm fits under my back, and he carts us to the pillows until they’re under my head. It’s like I’m flying.
His stubble burns deliciously as he murmurs in my ear, “If you want more than just kissing, Aria, tell me.”
“Condoms are in the top drawer on your right.”
He smiles as he leans to the nightstand. “So prepared.”
I giggle. “I buy them every six months out of habit from college.”
He laughs and works one down his length. “It’s a good habit.”
This time, I know for certain where this is going. I pull him on top of me and hold him close. I might be addicted to kissing this man. It feels like I had years between hits, and now I’m never letting it end. I want this high forever.
He pulls one thigh over his waist to bring me closer to him, and when he strokes me with his cock, I gasp. It’s been so fucking long, and I can’t hold it back. He gasps desperately too, so I’m not embarrassed. God, how long have I been this touch-starved?
Almost six years.
There have been other guys during those years—just a few—but no one makes me feel like Everett does. It’s like he said. Electric.