Page 74 of His Queen
"What about the men? Will they let her do this? It's not exactly how it's normally done."
"That's not the biggest problem."
"What is?"
"Getting into the house. We have the schematics. But getting in will be tricky. There are security measures and alarms. I don't think a simple hack will do."
She looks me right in the eyes and nods. "I want to blow the doors off of the hinges and walk right into his office Vlad. The men will be gone and most of the ones remaining will be loyal to Aldo. We can take the place and secure it."
"And what happens if there are a few there that are loyal to the Don?"
"Then we kill them," she says without batting an eye.
"What do you mean, Rose?"
"They are the ones who stood by and watched while Salvatore abused me and had me raped. If they don't step aside and support us, then I will end them." I look at her, surprised. "Vlad, he raped me in my father's home. Do you honestly think that the guards in my section did not know?"
"No Vlad. These men will follow the one with the power and if that isn't him. They will follow the one who has the biggest army."
"I agree. The men will fall in line. But Rose, I don't want you to get hurt."
"I think the best way is for us to go in first and take the house. The guards will be easy. Most will be gone and even if there are a few who don't fall in line, Aldo will be in the room with my father, and I will have you by my side."
"It's a good plan. I'll have the men ready to go. Rose, will you be ready?" Demetrius says as he nods.
He has always enjoyed a direct approach. Even he looks proud as he watches her take control.
"I've never been more ready for anything. Let's do this."
I know the plan has changed a few times. We have had men working on the security systems. They were able to hack into the cameras and turn them off. No one will see us coming when the time comes.
men working on the security systems. They were able to hack into the cameras and turn them off. No one will see us coming.
Chapter 46
TodayisthedayI’ve been waiting for. It’s the day I finally put an end to everything. Revenge will be mine. The men are prepared and soon we’ll be heading out. Our plan is foolproof, and I know exactly what needs to be done. The men will storm the house, swiftly taking out the guards. With Vlad by my side, I will confidently walk through the front door. Once inside my father’s office, it will all begin. There are so many things I want to say to him, but in the heat of the moment, who knows if I’ll be able to recall everything?
I know Vlad hates the idea of me being the one to kill my father, but he hasn't been that to me for a very long time. At this point, he is just a sperm donor who thinks he can control me. But no longer. The Don will see that he can't. It will take a lot to gain the respect of the men and I know I have some work to do. I have already made the call and the rest of the family is on their way here. I am sure they will not be happy about this. But it has to be done.
My heart pounds in my chest, the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The weight of anticipation hangs heavy on my shoulders, a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Every breath I take feels charged with determination, fueling my resolve to finally confront my father, to make him pay for the years of manipulation and control.
As I stand here, surrounded by the loyal men who have pledged their allegiance to me, I can see the same fire burning in their eyes. They know the significance of this day, the gravity of our mission. We have trained tirelessly, honing our skills to perfection, ready to execute our meticulously crafted plan.
The muscles in my body tense, coiled like a predator ready to strike. I can feel the electricity crackling in the air, a palpable energy that fuels my thirst for revenge. The thought of confronting my father, of looking into his eyes as I bring him to his knees, sends shivers down my spine.
Vlad, my the love of my life and my fiercest protector, stands beside me. His face is a mask of concern, his eyes betraying a flicker of doubt. He worries for me, for the darkness that consumes my thoughts. But I cannot let his reservations sway me. This is my battle to fight, my demons to conquer.
As I envision the chaos that will unfold, a mixture of fear and determination courses through me. The weight of responsibility rests heavy on my shoulders, knowing that the success of our plan depends on my ability to lead, to inspire loyalty in those who follow me.
I take a deep breath, drawing in the scent of anticipation and rebellion. The time has come to face my father, to finally break free from the chains that have bound me for far too long. The rest of the family will soon arrive, their disapproval and anger palpable in the air. But I am resolute. This is a necessary step, a means to reclaim my life and assert my independence.
With each passing moment, my conviction grows stronger. The fire within me burns brighter, pushing me forward towards the inevitable confrontation. Today is the day I take control, the day I rewrite my destiny. And as I prepare to step into the unknown, I can’t help but feel a surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of apprehension. But I know, deep down, that this is the only way forward.
I have the gun strapped to one thigh and the dagger Vlad gave me on the other. To create a dramatic effect, I’m going all out. Donned in a tight-fitting green dress that flares at my hips and reaches just above my knees, I’m ready for action. My long red hair cascades down my back in loose, dramatic curls, complemented by a heavily done smokey eye for makeup. Vlad insisted I wear a bulletproof vest, but honestly, it only adds to the overall dramatic look. I can’t wait.