Page 109 of Let the Light in
I don’t know what I expected. Some crazy gesture, a gust of wind or a butterfly to land on my shoulder, I don’t know. But there’s just silence, and I shift from foot to foot. Maybe this was dumb, Lucy’s not even here to witness it. Not that I want her to be, because I actually don’t plan on proposing until tomorrow. But still.
I jump and turn around, Lucy’s walking toward me, wrapping her jacket tight around her.
“What are you doing here?” she asks.
“I, uh, was just having a private conversation with your father.”
She smirks. “Is it really a conversation if you’re the only one talking?”
“He’s a very good listener.” I smile.
She rolls her eyes and walks toward me, looping her arm through mine and facing the headstone.
“He’s got a very twisted sense of humor, you’d approve.”
I laugh and she rises on her tiptoes to kiss me cheek. But she has a point, I think he would approve.
“Are you going to stay a while?” I ask her.
“Not too long. Just want to tell him about the success of my second book.” She winks at me.
“Okay, then. I’ll leave you to brag.”
“I love you.”
“I love you back.”
I walk up the hill and slide my hands in the pockets of my Carhartt. I have a proposal to finish planning.