Page 32 of Let the Light in
“Hi, you must be Lucy. I’m Taylor, Alex’s wife. It’s nice to meet you.” She extends her hand, and I shake it.
I smile back at her—she has one of those smiles that makes you want to smile too. She’s taller than me by a few inches, even in her tennis shoes, and she has a perfect, heart-shaped face and pretty blue eyes, with an awesome complexion. She’s beautiful, and I suddenly feel a little self-conscious of my auburn hair and slightly freckled face.
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you, too,” I reply.
“I’ve been put under strict orders not to tell you any embarrassing stories about Wyatt, so my conversation topics are pretty limited,” she teases.
I laugh and Wyatt groans, walking out of the kitchen with a Pepsi and his phone in hand.
“Pizza’s on its way.” He walks past us and sits back in the recliner.
“What kind did you order?” I ask.
“One pepperoni, one pepperoni pineapple, and one meat lovers.”
“Bold of you to assume I would like one of those options.” I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms.
Taylor laughs as she walks around me and sits down on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her.
“I like her,” Taylor says to Wyatt. “She seems like she keeps you on your toes.”
“You don’t strike me as a plain-cheese-pizza kinda girl.” Wyatt shrugs, ignoring Taylor.
“Lucky for you, I’m not. Where’d you order the pizza from?”
“Sir Pizza.”
I nod in approval. “Not bad.”
Alex laughs and sits down next to Taylor, easily wrapping his arm around her shoulders. I walk over and sit down in the recliner across from Wyatt.
“So, what movie are we watching tonight?” Alex asks.
“Isn’t it my turn to pick? I feel like it’s my turn.” Taylor grins.
“You guys do this regularly?” I ask.
Wyatt nods. “Yeah, we meet up at least a few times a month at either my house or theirs and have a movie night. We take turns picking the movie.”
“I’m fairly certain it’s my turn to pick.” Alex interjects.
Taylor scoffs. “No, it isn’t, it’s mine. Wyatt picked that creepy thriller with the guy fromThe Office. . .”
“A Quiet Placewasn’t even that creepy, babe.”
Taylor waved her hand before continuing, “Then you picked the fourthFast and Furiousmovie for like the third time, so it’s my turn.”
“Shouldn’t we let Lucy pick since this is her first movie night?” Wyatt offered.
“No thanks, I’m just along for the ride tonight.” I shake my head.
“We can add her to the schedule for the next movie night. Tonight, it’s my turn.” Taylor rubs her hands together. “And I’ve already picked out my movie.”
Alex groans. “God help us.”
“Taylor has been known to pick some, how should I put it, crap movies,” Wyatt explains.
“I see.” I smile.