Page 76 of Let the Light in
Amanda’s eyes soften and she takes her reading glasses off her face.
“I understand. Lucy?”
“I know it’s cliche, and you’re probably tired of hearing it, but I am truly sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful man and a good friend. I miss him.”
I smile sadly. “I miss him, too.”
Chapter Thirty
WhenIpullintothe driveway after my session with Dr. Allen this morning I see my dad’s truck in the parking lot. I instantly feel nauseous. I also immediately call my sister.
“Wyatt, I have a psych test in about ten minutes. This better be an emergency,” she hisses. “Wait, are you drunk? Or hungover? God, Wyatt you said . . .”
“Neither. Dad’s home.”
“You heard me.”
“Why? When did he get in? I didn’t think he was due back until next week.”
“Yeah, me either.”
“Okay. Let me think. It’s Friday, so I can come home for the weekend and play buffer for you two, but I have to be back on Monday. I really wish I hadn’t decided on summer classes.”
“What time can you be here?”
“I only have two classes today, so probably after lunch.”
“Get here as soon as you can.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Wyatt, geez. It’s only Dad.”
“Yeah, it’s only Dad,” I grunt.
“Suck it up, buttercup. You’ll only be alone with him for a few hours. Gotta go, I have a test to ace.”
I run a hand through my hair and try hard to not have a panic attack. It’s not that my dad and I have a bad relationship, it’s that we don’t really have a relationship. Our conversations are never more than a few words. When he’s in town, it’s just awkward. Neither of us know what to say or do. It’s easier when Willa’s home, she can keep the conversation going.
I take a deep breath and walk inside. Dad’s in the kitchen making breakfast. He’s whistling, and the smell of bacon and pancakes makes my stomach growl.
“Hey, Dad,” I say, leaning against the kitchen door frame.
Dad turns around and smiles at me. He’s cut his hair, and it looks like he hasn’t shaved in a week. But the smile actually reaches his eyes, so I smile back.
“Wyatt, good morning. Have you eaten yet?”
“Uh, no I haven’t. Just had some coffee.”
“Want some bacon and pancakes?”
“Sure, that sounds good.”
“Good. Hand me that pan, would you?”