Page 40 of Wings of Snow
Nish snickered behind me, and I knew he’d detected the arousal in my scent. I shot him a glare as Ilara started picking at her fingers.
“Do you suppose it could be from that...” She made a face. “Otheruniverse? The one you purchased your whiskey from?”
I arched an eyebrow. “But we don’t deal with that realm, not like the Nolus do. How do you suppose it would be from there?” But then my thoughts tumbled toward my father, to what Lord Crimsonale had overheard. Perhaps whoever my father had conspired with was from theotherrealm...
Ilara shrugged. “I don’t know, but considering it’s the onlyotheruniverse that our realm currently has access to, isn’t it fair to say it could be from there?”
Cailis scoffed. “But they aren’t even magical there.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Haxil corrected. “There are species that exist in that realm that wield magic. I’ve read about it.”
Ilara smiled. “You shall have to tell me what book that was.”
“Indeed.” Haxil grinned.
My nostrils flared as I cut my guard a look, telling him to back the fuck off so I didn’t lose my control to the irrational jealousy scorching through me.
Haxil inclined his head and retreated a step.
Ryder stroked his defined jaw. “I’ve heard that some of their magic-wielders are quite powerful.”
“Powerful enough to create magic that would suppress an entire continent’sorem?” Ilara asked.
My thoughts again returned to what Michas had told me as I ran a hand up Ilara’s hip, then back down. Gods, I just needed to touch her. “It could be possible. To be honest, I don’t know much of their kind, but I’ve heard rumblings similar to what Haxil and Ryder said.”
My mate’s breathing increased as I continued to stroke her hip, and a musky tint entered her scent. I grinned wickedly, and not just because my sensory affinity was beginning to fully respond.
“Oh gods, they’re at it again.” Nish rolled his eyes.
“Not to be too familiar, but can you just bed her already and get it over with?” Sandus asked.
Ilara gasped, which got a laugh from Ryder as Haxil muffled a chuckle.
Cailis also appeared to be smothering a smile as Ilara cleared her throat.
“We’re getting off track,” Ilara said as a blush stained her cheeks.
My lips hooked up. I loved that color on her, especially when I was the reason behind it. But knowing as she was still embarrassed at how easily I aroused her, I diverted the conversation back to the matter at hand. I had so much to tell her. She needed to know what Michas had revealed, but that was a long conversation to be had later. We had things to sort out first.
“Perhaps we should secure your sister in the Cliffs of Sarum and figure out a suitable place for us to stay in the interim.” I ran my hand lightly along her skin again. “I agree that discussing this more may lead to some answers, but first things first, right?” I gazed down at her as I assessed her bright eyes, pert nose, and those alluring lips.
She relaxed under my grip, and some of the bright color in her cheeks faded. “Okay, I agree that makes sense. Does that sound okay to you, Cailis? Would you like to stay with Mother, Father, and Tormesh while Norivun and I continue working on a solution?”
Her sister gave a little jump in happiness. “I would love nothing more than to see our family again.”
* * *
Since Ilara’saffinities were back and even stronger than before, she insisted on mistphasing all of us to the Cliffs of Sarum. I didn’t argue. My affinities were slowly beginning to respond, and considering I would need a large amount of magic to open the veil hiding that village, I knew I needed to conserve what power I could call upon.
We reappeared in a whiteout, just outside of the hidden city I’d built within the enchanted cliffs. Ilara’s wings blended into the snowy background, and Cailis peered anxiously around, searching for a rip in my illusion affinity. Cold wind bit viciously into my cheeks, but I didn’t call upon my air affinity to Shield it.
Taking a deep breath, I had to dive deep into my power to summon the amount of magic it would take to slice through my illusion, allow Cailis entry, and then to once again hide it from any onlookers. My illusion here was so thick that it felt as though I had to cut through stone with a knitting needle every time I did this.
But despite the toll it took on me given what Tylen had done, seeing Ilara’s reaction to her sister dissolving into tears when Cailis was finally reunited with their family made the aching fatigue worth it. And seeing Ilara’s family marvel over her new wings made pride surge through me.
I didn’t rush any of them. I gave Ilara time with her family too, knowing how much she loved them and cherished their support. So I waited and stood tall despite the pain slicing through my limbs at how depleted I was.
My guards all stayed behind me, shuffling their feet, and they looked downright uncomfortable when the Seary family also pulled them into hugs. They all allowed it, though, even Nish, which told me that my guards had fiercely accepted Ilara as a female they would give their lives for.