Page 6 of Wings of Snow
But I didn’t know what.
The guards opened the doors seamlessly when I neared, and my swift movements made the letter Ilara had written me shift in my pocket. It was carefully tucked within my tunic and under a thick illusion spell so that no one could see it, even if my tunic were ripped off me.
I cherished the feel of it pressed to me now. I wouldn’t fail her.
A malevolent smile lifted my lips. I would suck my father’s soul from his body, shred it into ribbons, then pitch it down to Lucifer in the underworld before I ever allowed the king to lay a hand on my mate.
* * *
“My prince!”Georgyanna called. “Can you believe this? How could I possibly be married in fabric this dreadful? Do come and look at this material. And to think thislady’s servant”—she sneered the words—“thinks this is suitable material for a wedding gown. It’s preposterous, don’t you think?”
My nostrils flared when Georgyanna’s prideful scent hit me.Wedding gown material? Already?Mother Below, I hated this witch. My mate had only been gone hours and already Georgyanna had taken over Ilara’s chambers and was planning our fucking wedding.
My betrothed sat on the couch in the Exorbiant Chamber. The stars glittered outside, above the courtyard, on this Eve of Olirum.
Georgyanna’s lithe figure was stretched out. Silver hair, pinned back with sparkling clips, glittered in the light. It was the hair choice she often wore, and my guess was that she knew it amplified her delicate features and full lips.
I still thought she looked hideous.
Daiseeum kneeled in front of her, and all I could think was that the Kroravee female was sitting in my mate’s seat, and it was enough to drive me fucking mad. If Meegana or Beatrice had resided in this chamber it wouldn’t have bothered me nearly as much since they were Ilara’s friends, but instead, the other two Rising Queen Trial participants were to continue occupying their previous chambers while they awaited their arranged marriages. Only Georgyanna had been moved at my father’s insistence, right after Ilara had fled nonetheless.
Truth be told, I wasn’t even sure how I ended up in the Exorbiant Chamber. I’d been on my way to the training rooms following the disastrous conversation with my father when I’d been told I was needed here, so I annoyingly ventured to this part of my wing only to realize it was because Georgyanna wanted me to look at wedding dress material. Already.
The floorboards vibrated beneath my toes as I opened my Outlets more.
“Prince Norivun?” Georgyanna called again. “Do come see.”
“I’ll have to pass,” I said, striding toward the door as Daiseeum held up another roll of fabric, her lips wobbling in a plastered smile as she presented a third swath of fabric to the manipulative witch.
“What do you think of this one, my lady?” Daiseeum asked in a trembling tone.
Georgyanna rolled her eyes and swatted it away. “Truly, you can’t be serious? Is there anyone in this castle that knowsanythingabout fashion?”
Daiseeum’s lips pursed tightly as color coated her cheeks, but she set it down and forcefully pulled out another roll of fabric as I stalked from the room.
I cast a sympathetic look at the servant before leaving.
“Waste of my fucking time,” I said beneath my breath as I exited to the hallway. I needed to find my guards so I could spar and work off this steam. It was the only way I would be able to think clearly, because I needed to figure out a way to keep my mate safe.
The city of Vockalin sat atop the flattened mountaintop as the forest fell into a lush carpet tumbling down the mountain’s sides. A glittering array of rock-like homes with textured siding filled our view. Above, the three crescent moons glowed with pearly light as the night sky shone so brightly that it felt as though all one needed to do was lift a finger to touch the stars.
The northernmost star shone so brightly on this magical eve. It was even more stunning this high up. My thoughts drifted to my mate again.Are you looking at the night sky too right now, Norivun?
That band threatened to squeeze my chest again. I took a deep, shuddering breath and forced myself not to dwell.
Distant waves crashed on the beach below, and faint beating music strummed toward us, as though someone was playing drums of various depths and cadences.
The hypnotic waves and drumbeat made me want to shift and sway. The sound was truly mesmerizing as we stepped onto a path leading into the city. I focused on the music, using it to help alleviate the ache cleaving my heart in two.
Magic swam in the air, heating our surroundings. No snow lay on the ground, and the frost-nipped leaves had vanished to reveal iridescent grass and bare petals of soft pink, bright turquoise, subtle lilac, and translucent green.Oremeither existed within this soil, or the Lochen fae had their own magic to keep their land blooming in the midst of winter.
Ahead, Lochen fae walked about, their legs no different than mine or Cailis’s. Some carried baskets as they dipped between shops and eating establishments. Others carried sleeping children on their backs as they hung laundry to dry in the warm evening breeze of their small yards.
The females appeared as the males, scantily clad in only strips of fabric, but their breasts were covered, and long hair hung down their backs.
“Do you not feel the cold?” I asked as we moved closer to the outer buildings.