Page 67 of Wings of Snow
I slugged him in the shoulder, which only got a laugh from him.
Holding up his hands, he added, “I couldn’t resist. You reek of sex, and I can detect her scent on you, so I figured you finally had your way with her and the bond has been sealed. So, how’s she doing? I do miss her.”
A low growl vibrated my chest when I thought of Drachu and what he’d done to my mate. “It’s a long story.” I glanced toward the clock ticking on Nuwin’s wall. “I don’t have a lot of time, but I wanted to know what’s happened. Have Father’s hunting fae found any clues to Ilara’s whereabouts?”
“Ah! His hunting fae...” Nuwin traipsed toward the bar in the corner of his room. “As a matter of fact, they have. It’s a pity you don’t have time for a drink. I could tell you all about how they’ve ventured into the wilds of eastern Mervalee, into the Wisareian Forest, in search of dear Ilara and lovely Cailis. One of them had to return after a nasty encounter with a forest sprite, which is the only reason I know the tale.”
Nuwin paused from pouring leminai into his glass. “Why are you grinning?”
I smothered my smile. “No reason.”
Nuwin’s eyes sparkled. “Did you have anything to do with father’s fae venturing to that dreadful area of Mervalee?”
I raised my shoulders innocently. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
Nuwin’s head tipped back with a laugh. “Oh, how magnificent. I shall enjoy hearing more about that when you return, and I imagine Father’s fae will have a scar or two from those sprites’ nasty bites making their stories just as juicy.”
I snorted, a grin splitting my face. “It’s good to see you, brother, but I need to go. Check on Mother soon, will you?”
His eyes dimmed. “I’ve been visiting her daily. Whilst I can’t stop Father’s hand, I can at least make her laugh while she recovers.”
“Thank you.” My chest tightened, but before I called upon my magic to mistphase, I added, “And stay out of trouble.”
Nuwin winked. “Whatever would I do that for?”
Shaking my head, I nodded farewell as the castle disappeared around me.
I mistphased back to the Crystal Inn, and the second I appeared, my guards and Ilara shot to their feet.
“You’re back, finally,” Ryder said.
I gave a curt nod, taking in the empty food tray on one bed and a full tray on the other.
“How’s your magic?” Ilara asked as she began dishing a plate of food for me. “You’ll need the nutrition if you’re to scry.”
My lips hooked up when her love and concern billowed to me on our bond. More than anything, I wanted to wrap my arms around her, bury my face in her neck, and breathe in her scent, but she was right.
I needed to replenish my magic if we were to hunt for Drachu. And from the hard edge of my guards’ jaws and the determined light in Ilara’s eyes—the hunt began tonight.
Norivun consumed all of the food we’d saved for him, then he disappeared into the small bathing chamber attached to our room. He held his small yellow crystals in one hand and the shell from Drachu’s house and a wicked-looking knife in the other.
Within minutes of disappearing behind the door, low sounds of rattling and chanting came from the bathing chamber.
Nish stood near the door and Sandus by the window. Haxil sat on the bed opposite Ryder as I paced back and forth in front of them.
The males had been trading off who stood guard where since we’d arrived. They stood calmly. Stoically. Yet I couldn’t sit still despite being so depleted only hours before that I’d passed out. My magic was swiftly returning thanks to a nap, all of the food I’d consumed, and whatever potion Cora had given me.
I smoothed my new yellow top over me for what felt like the hundredth time. “How does scrying work?”
Ryder stroked his pointy chin. “Couldn’t really tell you. Scrying only works for those with immense magic, hence, why most of us can’t do it, but I bet Nori would teach you if you asked.”
“Maybe someday I will, when we have time for that sort of thing.” More chanting came from the bathing room, and I could have sworn Norivun hissed quietly. A flare of pain came through our bond next, and I couldn’t help but wonder if my mate had just cut himself with the knife since he needed blood for whatever he was doing.
I picked at my fingernails as my pacing increased. “How long does this usually take?”
Haxil shrugged. “Depends on how elusive the target is. For someone like Drachu, it could take a while.”