Page 76 of Wings of Snow
I frantically wrenched my mate to me, but her lips were turning blue once more, her breathing ragged despite the fact that the water had dispelled from her lungs. “I don’t know. She should be?—”
And then it hit me.
Drachu had pulled on all of her powers too quickly again while we’d fought underwater. He’d done the same thing to her when we’d entered the Nolus capital. Ilara was once again on the brink of death.
“The potion! Where’s the second potion that Cora gave us?” I roared.
Haxil’s eyes widened as he dove toward the satchel I’d stored the potion in. Using warrior speed, he was back at my side in less than a second. “Here.”
I uncorked the vial and tipped the contents into Ilara’s mouth. “Drink, my love. Drink.”
It felt like an eternity passed as the potion trickled down her throat.
I held her to me, rocking her as my heart raced so savagely it felt as though it’d escape my chest.
Another second passed, and then Ilara sucked in a breath of air.
She breathed more, the sound ragged, but another second ticked by, and the blueness in her lips vanished.
“Thank the gods,” Haxil whispered.
I sagged forward, my throat closing with emotion.
“Blessed Mother,” Sandus rasped. “We almost lost her a second time.”
All four of my guards wore tortured expressions as I held Ilara to me.
It was probably only minutes, even though it felt like years, before she peered up at me, her black hair wet and sapphire-blue eyes fatigued, but her expression was alert.
Hope, love, sorrow, guilt—every emotion possible streaked across her face in a kaleidoscope of color as it also pushed to me on the bond.
“I’m sorry,” she breathed. “I lost control. When I saw Drachu, it was like I disappeared. Only the feel of you and our mate bond pulled me back, but then I was sucked under again, and?—”
I brought a finger to her lips, my entire body shaking. “It’s all right.” I pulled her closer, needing to hold her, feel her, touch her.
I shook so badly I had to clasp my hands together.
She buried her face in my chest, her breath still shuddering as she gulped in lungfuls of air.
“Fuck, that was close.” Ryder raked a hand over his face.
“Too close,” Sandus agreed.
“Did we even get the bastard’s necklace?” Nish asked, lip curling.
“He got it.” Ryder pointed to the pendant still threaded through my fingers.
“You did?” Ilara jerked away from me, shock evident on her face.
“I did. Somehow. Amazingly.” I held up the necklace as the green stone throbbed in its center.
A moment passed in which she blinked. She shook her head in wonder, then a grin streaked across her face. “You did it.”
“Wedid it,” I replied.
“And thank fuck for that.” Nish sighed as he ran a hand over his shorn hair. “Can we all agree not to go to a Lochen underwater city again anytime soon? As lovely as it was, Drachu’s going to be enraged, but without that necklace, I’d wager to say he’ll be struggling to hold onto his power.”
Ryder snorted. “Wasn’t ityouwho was spoiling for a fight and encouraged us to go?”