Page 83 of Wings of Snow
Ilara and I exchanged a glance.Europe.Wherever that was.
Haxil cleared his throat from behind us. “I believe I’ve heard of that realm.”
“It’s not a realm, rather a continent in the Earthly realm,” the hunter replied.
“Ah, like the Nolus continent or Silten continent?” Ilara’s eyes sparkled with interest, and I had the most intense urge to kiss her.
The Fire Wolf inclined his head again. “Yes, exactly like that.”
“And we’re going there now?” she asked hopefully.
The hunter sighed. “I suppose we are.”
* * *
The Fire Wolfoffered to use his portal key to transfer all of us to his Earthly realm. I had no idea if we could mistphase there or not, as I’d never tried it, and since using the portal key meant we all traveled together, I did agree with the hunter that it made the most sense.
Ilara joined hands with him immediately, showing no fear at visiting another universe entirely, but Nish was another story.
His curling lip was sharp enough to cut steel, but by the time he finally accepted Ryder’s outstretched palm, it’d relaxed slightly.
Nonetheless, despite my guard’s hesitation, all six of us had opted to join the hunter as we ventured to the continent he called Europe.
“This may be a bit jarring,” the hunter warned just before whispering the words that activated the key’s magic.
A rush of wind surrounded us, then the realm tilted on its axis, and the ground fell out from beneath me.
Sandus’s grip on my left hand tightened as Ilara’s hold on my right turned just as strong. The feeling of being ripped apart and torn to pieces from the inside out made my teeth clench and my magic swirl in my limbs.
Grunting, I cursed whatever hideous creature had invented these things, but just as those curses started, the tearing sensations stopped.
I landed hard on something solid, my knees cushioning the abrupt impact.
All of my guards swore as Ilara panted at my side.
“That was even worse than the portal transfer with Drachu,” she breathed.
The Fire Wolf smirked. “I tried to warn you. Crossing realms is always rather nauseating.”
“Ock, that was nothing like mistphasing.” Nish clutched his stomach.
Ryder audibly wheezed before straightening, and Sandus scowled.
I had the most ridiculous urge to vomit, but at least, after one glance at my mate and guards, I knew I wasn’t the only one feeling that way.
Haxil clapped Nish on the back as my surliest guard continued to glower. “At least none of us lost our lunch.”
Ilara gave a small nod in appreciation.
The Fire Wolf eyed all of us, and I could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh. “I did try to warn you.”
I forced my shoulders back, and my stomach calmed as my magic pulsed inside me, but it felt dimmer, as though whatever was in this realm’s atmosphere repelled my affinities, or tried to at least.
I called my magic forth despite the new environment. It zoomed along my limbs, much like it did at home, but the air outside of my body waslessfeeling. No magic resided here.
“What is this place?” Ilara asked as she glanced around.
Wherever we were, we’d landed outside. A meadow filled with wildflowers and tall grass surrounded us. Midmorning sunshine shone down from abluesky. Puffy white clouds dotted the atmosphere all the way to the horizon. None of the clouds had colors.How odd.