Page 37 of Flames of Fortune
I didn’t bother to tell him again how my body didn’t work that way. With smooth moves, considering he was mostly doing it one handed, he fitted himself inside of me. We both groaned as he sank deep, and just the expression on his face made liquid heat throb between my legs. There was nothing sexier to me than making Michael hot.
I wrapped my legs around him, bringing him as close as I possibly could. He moved, slowly at first, but he soon picked up speed. His every thrust seemed to bump his hips against my clit, causing faster and faster little waves of pleasure to crest over me. He’d be balls deep and then seconds later he would almost pull out the whole way. Again and again.
I dug my fingers into his back and hung on for dear life, bucking my hips against his as he spiraled us both ever higher and higher. He cried out, but he wasn’t done, just as lost in the moment as me. I didn’t even know what I was saying or doing anymore. I just knew that I was coming, my muscles clenching and relaxing again and again as pleasure the likes of which I had never experienced before surged through me in a release I needed more than anything in the world. I shook, trembling as Michael gave in to his need, pressing inside for one last thrust before he emptied himself with a long, jagged groan. We both panted, but the air smelled like him and sex. I smiled, despite my inability to breathe or think or function.
I only thought I’d made myself come in the past, but it wasn’t like what we shared. I couldn’t catch my breath and finally forced myself to breathe, my nose pressed against his good shoulder. He wrapped me up against him, rolling us both over until I lay on his good side. He held me close.
Words left his mouth. They seemed almost senseless, more like he was soothing me than anything else.This was what was missing the whole time.His arms, I needed them right then.
“Thank you,” I whispered, sighing in pleasure and satisfaction.
He laughed, a gentle sound. “I should be thanking you. Wow. Just wow.”
I lifted my head to look at him. “It was…good for you, too?”
“Good? That doesn’t quite cover it.” Michael drew my head back down on him, tucking me close so he could stroke his hand up and down my spine. “Yes, beautiful. It was good to say the least. Incredible. I may never recover. I may become addicted to needing you. Be warned. Now that I truly know how sweet it is to be between your thighs, I’m going to want to be there all the time.”
I smiled against his skin. “This part? I like this, too.”
“Me, as well.” His voice was low, his heartbeat slowing. So was mine. We were wrapped up in each other when I decided to drag the blanket we’d discarded back onto the bed. His eyes were partially closed but adoring me when I covered us in it. “Thank you.”
I let him adjust it around us. The house was quiet. A hum of his computer in his office down the hall barely reached my ears. Instead, I could hear the wind outside and his heart against my ear.
“Hey.” I was barely conscious speaking to him. “If I snore, just kick me.”
“I think you can count on me never kicking you, Bridget. I like how you breathe. It’s low, rhythmic. It tells me that you’re here, in my bed. That you’re safe. I like knowing you’re there, next to me. It’s a beautiful thing. It actually has been helping me sleep, so no, I’ll never kick you.”
I loved the things he said.
I closed my eyes, a silly smile probably stretching my lips.
There was the kind of sleep that drew you under and didn’t let you up. That was what happened then. I told him my secrets, had the best sex of my life, and fell asleep in his arms. I wasn’t sure I could ever remember being as relaxed as I was then.
I woke up knowing I was alone.
Where had he gone?
The deep sound of his voice told me he wasn’t in the bedroom but talking to someone elsewhere. I rose from the bed, and on quiet feet, snuck to the hallway to see what he was doing.
Michael stared at something on his computer screen—a video feed of some people I didn’t know. A woman in a bathing suit and a man shirtless by a pool starred in the video.
“Yes, I see them,” he spoke again. “I’m running recognition software, Your Honor, but I don’t see anything that screams an immediate threat. If you want me to send someone to trail them, I can, but all I’m getting on the feed are two rich people who have befriended your son and his wife, nothing more.” He paused. “Sure. I’ll do that. Two weeks of a tail, and we’ll know. You got it. Goodbye.”
He set down his phone and sighed before he turned around to see me in the doorway. “Sorry, work called, so to speak.”
“I never heard your phone ring.”
“You wouldn’t.” He lifted his watch. “It buzzes me quietly. I have to work for a while and watch these people swimming to see if they’re going to extort someone.”
I almost asked him which Your Honor he’d been talking to but decided against it. I didn’t want to know, and his job had to be private. He probably shouldn’t even let me see the screen. The thought made me wonder if anyone else ever sat and watched a screen starring me and what I might have been doing at the time? I quickly decided it might be another one of those questions where I would be better off never finding out the answer.
Michael extended his arms, and I walked into them. I slid onto his lap, resting my head against his chest. “If you want to sleep right here, Bridget, I’d love it. Just stay with me tonight. Don’t leave me to do this alone. I hate it sometimes. Even as much as I love it, I hate it.”
I got that. Work felt that way frequently to me, too. “I think I prefer you doing this than being there watching where they could shoot at you.”
“I never think about that. I knew my parents would mourn me, but there’s never been anyone in my life who would have cared if I died. I took risks I shouldn’t have taken because it didn’t matter.”
I kissed his arm. “I would have cared, Michael.”