Page 15 of Ruthless Loyalty
He brought the pizza into the living room, along with a beer for each of them. He was sure they could both use a little alcohol tonight.
Settled back on the couch, Sam got comfortable. Lexi settled on reruns of some sitcom that he’d never watched before. He didn’t care much what they watched. It was just nice to relax. Lexi seemed more at ease too. For now, they seemed to have come to a tentative truce.
“You know, my brother and I used to do pizza and movie nights every Sunday,” Lexi said as she finished her second piece. “He had a lot of work to do for the Itlians most days, but Sundays were usually free, so he made sure to spend time with me.”
“And your parents?” Sam asked, burning with curiosity about this woman. He wanted to know her better, which was a first for him when it came to women. “What did they think of him running around with the mafia?”
She took a moment to sip her beer before answering, but he noticed the way her body tensed up.
“They died when I was thirteen in a car accident. After that, it was just me and Travis.”
“Your brother raised you?”
“Yeah. That was when he joined the mafia. He was only twenty-one years old and suddenly responsible for a teenager. My parents lived paycheck-to-paycheck, so there was no money left to us when they died. He had to figure out a way to make money fast. It wasn’t always great for him, working under the old don. That guy was a psycho, but Travis was always paid well. It got us through.”
Sam felt a surge of respect for her brother, a man that he didn’t even know. He’d barely been an adult, but he stepped up to take care of Lexi when she needed him. Only an honorable man would do that. The ache in his chest reminded him that he wasn’t being honorable by holding her captive.
“You know, I learned a long time ago to keep my mouth shut. My brother made sure of that,” Lexi continued after she finished off one more piece of pizza. She turned on the couch so that she was facing him with her leg tucked under her body and her bottle of beer in her hand. “I’m no idiot, Sam. I won’t tell a soul about your blackmailing plan. You can let me go.”
He sighed, placing his half-eaten piece of pizza back into the box. “I won’t do that until the DA has dropped the charges against Nix. Even when that happens, I hope your common sense knowledge about the mafia makes you keep the secret to yourself. The Bratva doesn’t take kindly to those that betray them.”
Threatening her didn’t feel right, and he could see from the look on her face that he completely killed the relaxed vibe.
Well, it was nice while it lasted.
“You know what? I changed my mind. I’ll go back to the boring bedroom.Alone.” Lexi stood, looking at him with disdain. “While you’re holding me hostage, you can take the couch.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond, walking off with her back ramrod straight and her chin up, the picture of pride and determination despite the fact that she was returning to the room where he was holding her captive.
Damn, that was hot. It was too bad that she hated him.
She tookher time in the shower after storming away from Sam. She was so tired of feeling angry, but what the hell did he have to threaten her like that? She’d told him over and over again that she wouldn’t spill the beans to anyone. Going against the Bratva would be a death sentence, and Lexi had no interest in putting her own head on the chopping block. But Sam wouldn’t listen.
The guy had trust issues.
As she stood in the shower, thinking about him, she realized that the thing that really bothered her was that the threat came from him. She knew that the mafia used intimidation to keep people in line, but hearing the words come directly out of Sam’s mouth hit differently.
Don’t be stupid, Lexi.
She knew that she shouldn’t care about this buy. He was holding her hostage!
She tried to banish any affection that still remained for him, but when she finally stepped out of the shower and went back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her body, she saw that he’d come into the bedroom again.
Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of her vibrator on the dresser.What the hell?
But then, she saw what else he’d brought in. Her Nintendo Switch was on the nightstand, with downloaded games she could play. He’d even brought in a paperback book she knew she’d left on her nightstand. It was a mystery novel that she was in the middle of reading.
He’d brought things to entertain her while she was being held here. The game system and the book could keep her mind occupied for hours. As for the vibrator…
She blushed as she remembered the way he teased her about the thing the first time he saw it. Did he think it was funny to bring that to her?
Lexi bit her lip as her mind flashed back to the night they spent together and the heated kiss they shared in this room earlier today. No matter what Sam’s intentions were, to embarrass her or to genuinely give her a means of pleasuring herself, she could use a little relaxation and pleasure at the moment. Flicking off the light, she ditched the towel and got into bed. Grabbing the vibrator off the nightstand. She closed her eyes as remembered how it felt to have Sam’s calloused fingers running down her back and his lips pressed against hers.
Tuning on the vibrator, she pressed it to her entrance. Spreading her legs and bringing her knees up, she played out a fantasy of Sam in her head as she slipped the device inside of her. She gasped but held back a moan, not wanting him to hear her and come investigate.