Page 17 of Ruthless Loyalty
“Are you ready to get the hell out of here?” Sam asked, standing.
“Never been more ready for anything in my life.”
They walked out of the jail together, and Sam noted that the sun was starting to set. It was getting late in the day, and he’d been gone since right after breakfast.
“Did you find the person responsible for this?” Nix asked once they were inside of Sam’s car, a black sedan with tinted windows.
“Of course, I did. You won’t have to worry about him anymore. We made an example out of the snitch.”
Nix didn’t ask any questions, but he didn’t really have to. The details weren’t important.
Nix’s place was in the same part of town where Sam lived. As he dropped Nix off, he thought about going straight to his place. He was trying to ignore it, but guilt ate away at him and he wanted to go to Lexi, to let her go.
But he was already cutting it close to meet with Vic as Alek demanded. He didn’t want to be late. Lexi would have to wait just a little while longer.
Sam drove to a bustling part of downtown, full of bars and restaurants and clubs. Vic’s nightclub was the biggest, taking up a whole city block. There was always a long line out front, but Sam didn’t hesitate to bypass it. Vic’s men knew who he was and would dare try to stop him.
Inside, there was a big, horseshoe shaped bar and a dance floor full of gyrating bodies. A DJ was on a stage, and the area was lit up with red, green, blue, and purple beams of light moving over the people. A velvet rope at the bottom of a staircase was guarded by a bouncer. It led to the VIP section above, where plush seats were arranged to allow those important people to look down on everyone else while they drank their expensive liquor. There were also women that made themselvesavailableto the men for the right price. There were private rooms up there where such transactions could occur.
Sam bypassed all of it and went to a black door next to the bar, one that led to the private office of the club owner. When he reached his destination, he found that Roman had already arrived, but it didn’t seem like he’d been there long. He hadn’t even sat down yet.
“Samhuil, thank you for coming,” Vic said. He was also standing, but there was a drink in his hand and he looked completely at ease.
The office was a large space with dark wood paneling on the walls. It wasn’t what one might expect of an office space. There wasn’t a desk in here. No computer or filing cabinets. Vic called it an office because it was where he conducted business, but it looked more like a sitting room with white leather furniture and a marble fireplace. There was a built-in wet bar, and Vic gestured to it.
“Help yourselves gentlemen.”
Sam wasn’t in the mood for a drink. That sort of thing came from an extended interaction, but he was holding out hope that this would be a short meeting. With every moment that passed, he felt worse about keeping Lexi locked up.
But Roman made his way to the bar, taking his time pouring a measure of scotch. Apparently, he didn’t have anywhere he needed to be. Sam had never been a fan of his fellow Bratva member. Roman was gruff and difficult to read. Sam never knew what was going on in the man’s head, and that made him uneasy.
Vic was a different story. Once they’d finally sat down together to talk, he led the discussion with a gleam in his eyes that spoke of excitement, the kind that was carefully calculated.
“I asked you to meet with me tonight to discuss a business opportunity,” he said. His slicked-back black hair and tailored suit made him look like the villain in a spy movie, especially as he relaxed in a wing-back chair and swirled his whiskey in his glass. “I’ve recently expanded into a new industry, and there’s a potential to make a lot of money. I want to cut you guys in.”
Sam narrowed his eyes. There had to be a hell of a catch here. “What’s the industry?”
“High quality porn production.”
“And what do you want from us?” Roman asked, sipping his scotch.
“I just need a simple favor, a one-time thing. If you pull it off for me, I’ll add Alek as a partner in the business.”
“Stop beating around the bush,” Sam said, not in the mood for any of this. “Tell us what you want.”
Vic sat his drink on the table beside him and leaned forward, pinning first Sam with a serious look, then Roman.
“I’ve got a visitor coming in from out of town next week, a woman. She’s going to need a security detail for the entire three weeks that she’s visiting.”
“That’s not the sort of thing that we usually do,” Roman pointed out.
Sam nodded in agreement. It was more likely for someone to come to them for an act of violence than to keep someone safe.
“I know,” Vic agreed. “That’s why I’m cutting you in on the lucrative porn business that I will be running. I want men that are willing to cross any lines to keep her safe while she’s here. That’s you guys.”
Sam couldn’t argue with that. It was a strange request, but one that might benefit them greatly.
“I’ll take it to Alek,” Sam said, standing. The Pakhan was a cautious man, but he might go for this. It didn’t seem like there was much to lose. After all, how much trouble could one woman be?