Page 31 of Ruthless Loyalty
She opened the door of his apartment to find him standing in the living room, texting on his phone with his brow pulled down and a deep frown on his face. His head snapped up at the sound of the door closing, and she was astonished to see cold fury on his face.
“What the hell did you do?” he asked.
The words were venomous, and she recoiled.
“W-what are you talking about?”
“You betrayed me. I saw you getting into a car with that pain in the ass FBI agent last night.”
Lexi shook her head. “He ambushed me in the parking lot, but I didn’t tell him anything.”
Sam scoffed. “I wanted to believe that, but I’m not a fucking idiot. You talked to that man last night, and today, he arrested Nix again. Have you seen the news? The DA’s affair has been made public knowledge. All the leverage I had against him is gone.”
“And you think thatIdid it?”
“I think that you gave in to the pressure and turned on me. You know about the blackmail, and it’s too much of a coincidence to believe that you didn’t spill the beans last night.” he shook his head in disgust. “God, I can’t believe that I trusted you.”
His words felt like daggers in her chest. A part of her wanted to tell him he was wrong, to close the distance between them and touch him, reminding him of the connection they shared.
But his accusation hurt too much. He truly believed that she betrayed him. How could he think that after everything they’d been through?
“I didn’t do it,” she said tiredly. Begging him to trust her was getting old. “And if you really believe that, if you decided I was guilty before you even asked me about it, then I think we’re done here.”
For a fraction of a second, she thought that she saw regret on his face, but it was gone before she could be sure that it was there at all, replaced by a look of cold indifference.
Her nose burned, a sure sign that tears would follow soon, but she swallowed hard, pushing them back. She didn’t want to cry in front of him. He didn’t deserve to know that she cared so much.
She turned away, ripping the door open. Just before she walked out, Sam spoke again.
“Lexi.” When she turned to look back at him, he was staring at her with an unreadable expression. “I’m not sure that I can protect you if the Pakhan finds out what you’ve done.”
Would he even want to?
Either way, a chill ran down her spine. She knew that the Pakhan was the head of the Bratva. If she learned anything during her time around the mafia in Misso City, it was that angering the guy in charge was a surefire way to end up in an early grave.
Rushing back to her apartment, Lexi started to pack her bags.
He felt like an idiot.He’d been strong and willing to do what was necessary in the beginning, when he locked Lexi up to protect the Bratva. But over time, he’d started to trust her more and more. He cared about her.
He let his guard down.
He deserved his pain. If he’d kept his distance from Lexi like he did all the other women in his past, he wouldn’t feel so hurt. Anger was to be expected, but this wretched pain in the center of his chest was worse.
And still, he knew that he wouldn’t tell Alek. Really, he should have done it yesterday. As soon as he saw Lexi getting into Calloway’s car, he should have called him and reported it as he’d been ordered.
Instead, he believed that she wouldn’t betray him.Such a fool.
If he told Alek now, Lexi could be killed, made an example of so that everyone would know what happened to those that crossed the Bratva.
As angry and hurt as he was, he couldn’t let that happen. It went against everything he knew to keep information from the Bratva, but he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if she were killed.
It would be better to focus on Nix. He needed to fix this, to get him out of jail again. The only problem was that he didn’t have any ideas on how in the hell to make that happen. The DA was useless to them now.
At least Calloway should get off their backs for a while. If there was one good thing that might have come from this, it was that the FBI agent didn’t have a reason to keep harassing them. He’d gotten what he wanted.