Page 24 of Echoes of Him
Andrea: Thought so. Just checking.
Me: You know me too well.
Andrea: How’s work going?
Me: Good. Staff seem nice. It’s fancy. I have one of those swanky coffee machines in my office.
Andrea: With pods?
Me: No, with real coffee beans.
Andrea: Get out of town.
Me: And there’s a heated pool on the roof.
Andrea: La-de-da.
Me: I know, right?
Andrea: Any interesting cases you can really sink your teeth into?
Her choice of words makes me pause, my thoughts drifting to one of my current cases. My most pressing case. Kael Jenkins. And despite not wanting it, my sex-starved mind unexpectedly explores the possibility of what it might be like sinking my teeth into his heavily muscled bicep.
Oh, god.No.
So wrong on every level.
The thought lasts only a second or two at the very most. I swear that’s all it is. But for those few short seconds all I can picture in my mind is the way Kael’s shoulders fill out his scrubs so nicely. I can’t deny that his body is appealing. I’m not lacking sight. He’s a big guy, but not in a heavy set football player kind of way. Kael’s body is long and sleek. He’s ripped, with hard, defined muscles. I’ve never seen so much muscle before, and I certainly can’t imagine what it would feel like to touch a body like his…
Andrea: Sienna?
Shit.Okay, so maybe I was distracted for more than a second or two. A minute, at the most. I promise.
Me: Too early to tell.
Andrea: Hey, Ben just got here. I’m cooking him dinner. I think topless cuddles are likely. I’ll keep you posted.
Me: You needn’t bother.
I shake my head, trying my hardest not to gag, and then I reach across to put the phone back on the vanity when a thought suddenly strikes me, making me think twice.Wait.
Me: Who’s Ben?
Andrea: Ben Beaumont. My boss.
Me: Oh, well, then my previous reply still stands.
Laughing to myself, I place the phone back on the vanity and then slide completely beneath the surface of the water, bubbles going everywhere, legs stretched out on the tiled-wall in front of me, sinking into the glorious silence with a soft sigh that reverberates deep inside my chest.
The only sound I can hear is the rhythmic beat of my heart and the silent promise that tomorrow is a new day.
Things can only get better, right?
Day 18
My sessions with Sienna continue for the next week pretty much the same way they have since we started this thing.