Page 27 of Echoes of Him
Silently soaking up everything I’ve just said, she then exhales a long, pensive breath and asks, “What about the nude photographs that were leaked to the media last year? Was that the same girl?”
This is not going well. Bad to worse, in fact.
Sienna can only stare at me, tapping her pen against her lips, waiting for me to say more.
“What do you want me to say?” I ask, feeling my mouth flatten with displeasure. My dick is pudding now, so I toss the cushion aside. “It happened. The chick consented. She was all for it at the time. Why she released the photos I’ll never know, fifteen minutes of fame I suppose. But it’s not like she was doing anything against her will. She posed for every single one of those photographs.”
“While you were having sex?”
“No, while we were crocheting duvet covers… yes, of course while we were having sex!”
Sienna’s cheeks turn a deep, cherry red. “Well, how would I know? We come from very different worlds, Kael.”
“Not that different,” I deadpan.
“Explain it to me, then.”
The pointed note in her tone irks me, but I know arguing with her isn’t going to get me anywhere, so I give her a front row seat to what can only be described as another award-winning episode in the Kael Jenkins shit show.
“Our latest single skyrocketed the month she released those photographs, and we sold more albums that quarter than we’d sold the entire previous year. Nick was pissed off big time, but when isn’t Nick pissed off? Once the royalty checks started rolling in he soon changed his tune.”
“A sex scandal boosted your career without you even having to try?”
“Sometimes you just have to get your face in front of the people, Jonesy. In this case, I got a whole lot more than just my face in front of them, and so did she. But it didn’t hurt my career, that’s for sure. I think people take sex too seriously.”
“They do, huh?”
“And people’s feelings? Do you take them seriously?”
“Of course I do, but the two aren’t mutually exclusive. They’re actually two different things altogether. That’s the mistake most people make, confusing sex and emotions.”
Sienna rolls her eyes so hard I’m worried she’s going to cause herself actual physical harm. And then she stands abruptly, walks across the room, and stares out the window again with her arms folded. And I think I hear her mumble something that sounds like,“Yeah, that’s the mistake most people make.”
But I can’t be sure.
Probably safer that way.
Day 22
“Have you always wanted to be famous?”
At the forty-five-minute mark of today’s session, Sienna’s question makes me stop and think. No one has ever asked me that question before, and I don’t really know what to make of it.
I let the words roll around inside my brain for a few moments while I contemplate my answer.Have I always wanted to be famous?
“All I ever wanted was to play music,” I eventually reply, sipping my second cup of coffee for the afternoon. It’s really good coffee. I can’t get enough of the stuff. “Fame is a byproduct of the music industry. I love performing, and sure, being famous has its perks, but honestly, I don’t think anyone in the music industry actually enjoys the fame side of things. At the end of the day, it’s part of a job you love, so you put up with it.”
“You don’t have the best relationship with the paparazzi.”
“That, I do not.”
“You feed into their game.” She gives me a half-smile. “You give them exactly what they want. Losing your cool with them only fuels their fire.”