Page 37 of Echoes of Him
She shrugs, and then she goes back to doing whatever the hell she was doing before I walked into the room, focusing her attention back on the screen.
Reed collapses into the single seat opposite me. He crosses one leg over the other so his heavy black boot is resting on his knee. “You clean?”
“Thirty days and counting.”
“That’s excellent. I’m proud of you.”
The lump in my throat burns hot and heavy. Reed and I have had our moments over the years, for sure, but Reed Devlin is like the brother I never had. I wouldn’t have made it this far in the music industry without him, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be even half as successful if he wasn’t the one running the show.
“How’s the child-bride?” I ask, with a smart-ass grin because who am I kidding. He’d expect nothing less. “What’s her name again?”
“Brinley,” he says, shaking his head with a small laugh that mirrors my own obvious amusement. “And I dare you to call her thatto her face. She’s twenty-two, I’m thirty-two. Big deal. And she’s good, thanks for asking. Working heaps. She’s singing at loads of gigs, and playing at better venues. She’s got some new stuff coming out soon.”
“No shit?”
“We turned one of the guest rooms at my place into a writing room for her. That way she’s got her own area to work, and she doesn’t get in my way. You know what I’m like when I’m in the zone. Things are good.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “She moved in with you?”
“Yep, and it was the best decision I ever made. I love her, man. I wouldn’t want her anywhere else. Try waking up next to the same woman every morning, nothing compares.”
Reed Devlin in love?Wow. Never thought I’d see the day. And he doesn’t even give a shit about saying it out loud. There would have been a time when he’d have happily ridiculed someone for declaring true love, but apparently those days have gone.
“Where’s Quinn?” I ask, leaning forward to rest my forearms on my knees.
Nick exhales a quick breath and lowers his voice. “He couldn’t make it. He had somewhere he needed to be. He said to tell youhey,and that he’ll catch up with you soon.”
“Where’d he have to be?”
Nick shrugs, though I swear I catch him exchange a quick glance with Reed. Aknowingglance. They know something I don’t know. Yeah, good luck. What’s new?
“Spill it,” I demand.
“There’s nothing to spill,” says Reed. “He left town a couple of hours ago. He wouldn’t say where he was going or who he was going with. I thought he’d be back in the city by now, but he shot me a text message just a little while ago telling me he wasn’t going to make it back in time after all.”
“Who’s he fucking?”
Jaxon burst out laughing and then slaps his hands down hard on his jean-clad thighs. “That’s what I said!” He looks over at Reed. “I did, right?” He glances across at Nick for confirmation. “Did I not just say thatexact samething in the car coming over here?”
“Leave him alone,” Reed warns.
“But it’s so much more fun giving him shit when he’s not here to defend himself. Tell Kael what he said the other night; he’s such a fucking pussy sometimes. Ah, shit what was it again?”
“Quit it, Jax.”
“No, seriously, it’s gotta be a chick that’s got him so worked up. I mean, he’s been off his game lately. Don’t know what’s so special about this one. She must blow dollar bills out of her pussy when she comes.”
Reed glares at Jaxon. “That’s nice.”
“Oh yeah, says the guy who just had mirrors installed on his bedroom ceiling. And don’t think we didn’t all see the rope marks around Brinley’s wrists at rehearsals the other day.”
Reed’s eyes flash to mine and then back to Jaxon, a sick smirk playing across his lips. He’s a kinky bastard, we all know that. He’s into shit the rest of us don’t touch. “Hey, go easy dude. The mirrors were Tink’s idea. The ropes, totally me, but what can I say? I lucked out because she loves my kinky side.”
“Sure she does,” says Nick, rolling his eyes. “But I must admit, having her hanging around the studio so much has made a huge difference in your lyrics. Keep doing whatever you’re doing.” He holds his hands up before Reed can make a comment. “Just keep the specifics to yourself, and we’ll get along just fine.”
Everyone laughs, and then Nick sits forward, his hands clasped together. “So, I hear you saw the interview yesterday.” He’s looking directly at me with dark brows that don’t give me a good feeling about what he’s going to say next.
“Yeah, I caught it.”