Page 46 of Echoes of Him
Trailing her finger slowly from my lips, she lets it trace down over the stubble on my chin, and then carefully she slides her finger along the side of my neck, before intertwining her fingers with mine.
The warmth of her skin pours instantly from her hand to my hand, and when she slowly rubs her thumb across the back of my knuckles, I don’t pull away. I like the way it feels to hold her hand. It shouldn’t feel this good. But it does. Being this close, touching her, it feels both terrifying and thrilling, like being on a roller coaster with no brakes.
I know a part of her wants to get as far away from me as humanly possible. But it seems an even bigger part of her wants to stay right where she is because our hands begin tangling with each other’s, our fingers caressing, roaming slowly up and down over each other’s skin, and I’ve never been so turned on in my entire life just from holding a woman’s hand before.
“Do you feel that?” I ask, softly. My voice is so low I can barely hear it. “You’re shaking. Why?”
“You scare me.”
“You said you weren’t afraid.”
A quick breath escapes her throat. “I’m not afraid of you. But you terrify me. That makes sense, right?”
It makes no sense at all, and yet it makes perfect sense.
I nod slowly, letting my eyes roll from her face to take in the small throb at the side of her neck, her chest, and then to her full breasts for a brief second.
Sienna reaches for the top button of her blouse, pulling it up a little farther and this makes me frown. “I really wish you wouldn’t do that. It’s like you’re hiding yourself from me. I fucking hate it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I do.” My grip on her hand tightens. “You’re so goddamn beautiful it makes me sick. You might not see it, but I sure as hell do.” Her gaze lingers on my face, and her expression is suddenly impossible to decipher. It’s a mix of shocked, flattered, and mildly confused. “I’m serious… it’s a shame no man has ever made you feel beautiful enough.” I slowly glide my fingers over the back of her hand, tracing the fine bones, pausing at the base of her thumb. And then I continue on, sliding my fingers between her fingers, interlocking them tightly. “If you were mine, I’d tell you every damn day how stunning you are.”
“Kael, you—” she starts speaking at the exact moment the back door to the kitchen swings open, and one of the kitchen staff walks out with a bag of trash slung over his shoulder.
He dumps the bag into the dumpster over by the rear of the building, and it’s not until he turns back toward the kitchen door that he spots us sitting together on the grassy slope.
“Hey, Miss Jones,” he says, before coming to a grinding halt. “Oh, I…uh—”
Sienna instantly tears her hand from mine, leaving me feeling cold and empty, and she shoots straight to her feet, brushing down the back of her skirt.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You’re not interrupting,” she blurts out, snapping back to reality way faster than I can. “You’re not interrupting at all. We were just finishing up our session for the day.” She looks down at me, holds out her hand as if she wants me to shake it.Is she fucking serious right now?“Well done, Mr. Jenkins. Good work. I’ll see you again tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock.”
Despite the heavy knot of disappointment that’s lodged firmly in my throat, I reach up and shake her hand, and then with dazed eyes, I watch as she gathers up her things and hurries back inside the building without another word to me or to the kitchen hand who’s still just standing there watching her go.
His eyes meet mine briefly, then he nods just once, before he, too, hurries inside the building, leaving me alone on the grass with nothing but the sunshine and fresh air, and a gnawing feeling in my gut that tells me things may have just changed between us.
I should recognize this as wrong. I’m not so stupid that I don’t see the situation for what it is. But as warmth starts in my stomach like a small wildfire, spreading through my chest and down my arms, I know it’s not wrong.
How can it be wrong if it feels this good?
“If you were mine, I’d tell you every damn day how stunning you are.”
No man has ever spoken to me like that before.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful it makes me sick. You might not see it, but I sure as hell do.”
My heart can’t take much more of this. It’s crazy, I know, but Kael Jenkins makes me feel things I’m not ready to admit. Not to him, and definitely not to myself. He makes me feel things I’ve only ever thought existed in movies and romance books. Fiction. Things that can’t possibly be real.
Things Jonathannevermade me feel.
Kael Jenkins is a really bad idea though. He’s trouble, the worst kind. Bad news all around.
Tears lodge firmly in the back of my throat as I rush back to my office and close the door firmly behind me. I lock it, too, because I need space. Because I need time.