Page 58 of Echoes of Him
“Okay,” Chad replies dryly.
I hear him walk off again, his shoes padding on the linoleum floor, growing fainter the farther he walks.
Taking a few grounding breaths, I glance back at Kael who is still just standing there, staring at me. His expression is unreadable, though he looks mildly pleased with himself.
“You okay?” he whispers.
I nod in response. That’s all I can manage.
He gestures with his head to the door. “Go on, get out of here. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I hurry out of the room despite the tight knot of nervousness lodged in my throat, and there’s something else there, too. Something unnamed. Something foreign. Or maybe it’s not so foreign at all.
An involuntary shiver skittles up my spine.
Oh, god.What have I done?
Day 42
Dr. Copeland calls me into his office first thing the following morning, and man oh man is he pissed. I’ve never seen him this pissed off before, and while I’m not entirely surprised by his fact, the guy looks as scary as fuck.
I knew he had it in him. I consider high-fiving him but think better of it when his head looks like it’s about to explode clean off his shoulders.
Long story short, I’m not allowed out of my room for the remainder of the day. No ifs, buts, or maybes. I’m grounded for lack of a better word. A lesser mortal might wallow, but not me. It turns out a healthy dose of solitary confinement gives a man plenty of time to think.
About Devon, not a fucking chance. He was just a pawn in my game. He was a means to an end. He’ll survive.
But, about Sienna, hell yeah.
I can’t stop thinking about her. I can’t stop thinking about kissing her last night. And I can’t stop thinking about the way she kissed me back. She was totally into it. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. There was no mistaking it. Every time the memory floats into my head, I break out into a sweat, and my balls tighten, and all I want to do is kiss her all over again.
Sure, kissing her wasn’t part of my initial plan for getting her back here last night. I was being a selfish asshole. I can admit that. I didn’t want her out on a date with that guy. Plain and simple. Not one of my finest moments. Add it to the list.
But when I noticed that she’d been crying, yeah screw that, kissing her was all I could think to do to keep myself from busting out of this place and tracking down the motherfucker to teach him a lesson on how a woman like Sienna Jones ought to be treated.
It would not have been pretty.
So where does that leave us? I have no clue. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her today, all thanks to the good doctor who canceled all my appointments and had me eating all my meals in my room.
All I know is that things have changed between us. I keep imagining what it would feel like to be with her. And I mean,bewith her. Really be with her. And not just in a sexual way.
Though, that’s certainly crossed my mind over the last few weeks. Don’t get me wrong. But it’s not just about sex with her. She’s different. I want it all with her. I want to go out on dates with her, and I want her to fall asleep in my bed every night. I want to wake up with her beside me, and I want to eat breakfast with her in the mornings. I want weekends and holidays and half a closet. I want her toothbrush on my sink. I want her lipstick on my vanity.
Just because I’ve avoided relationships in the past doesn’t mean I don’t understand the power of one. The usual impulse to run from intimacy escapes me when I’m with Sienna. I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this woman, and if I have my way, she’s going to be mine.
I don’t know how or when it’s going to happen. But I’m a man used to getting what he wants.
And I wanther.
Day 43
I’m summoned to the visitor’s room first thing the following morning. When I enter into the room, I notice Dr. Copeland is sitting in the corner with his back to me, his cell phone pressed tightly to his ear. He’s talking quietly to someone on the other end, but I can’t hear what he’s saying or make out who he’s talking to, which is predominantly due to the fact that our band manager, Nick, is currently barreling across the small space toward me with a face that looks like a beaten ass.
He grabs me by the front of my shirt. “What iswrongwith you?” he shouts, shaking me so hard I swear I feel my teeth rattle.