Page 77 of Echoes of Him
Ihad no inkling this weekend was going to turn into something so life altering. I’m pretty certain when Dr. Copeland agreed to me staying up in the mountains with Kael for a few days, the last thing he expected was for us to spend the majority of our time in bed.Together.
And yet, that’s exactly what’s happened.
We’ve come up for air occasionally, but the majority of our time has been spent in the horizontal position, and no, I’m not complaining one little bit.
We’ve done it so many times now I’ve stopped counting, and we’ve done it in every position possible. Some of them I didn’t even know existed. But there you go. I did them anyway, and I loved every minute of it. Who knew sex was my thing? Not me.
Turns out, it’stotallymy thing.
Kael drove us into town briefly, but we only stayed long enough to grab a few things from the grocery store, and the entire time he seemed edgy, nervously checking over his shoulder, a ball cap pulled down low on his head and dark sunglasses covering his eyes.
Thankfully, no one recognized him.
We took a quick walk through the quiet streets, browsing the quaint mom-and-pop shops along the roads and side alleys, stopping at a local bakery for some sourdough bread.
We held hands the entire time.
Yep, I’m totally smitten.
Kael cooked us dinner, and we ate out on the deck again. Steak and mashed potatoes never tasted so good. When we were done with dinner, he lit a fire, and we snuggled under a blanket in the same deckchair, our legs wrapped around each other’s, hands exploring, long kisses, and short breaths, watching the sun sink in sprays of red and orange behind the mountains.
More kisses followed, more touching, some groping, and the next thing you know, we’re back in bed again, going at it like a pair of horny teenagers with no adult supervision.
The following morning we sipped mugs of steaming coffee on the front steps, filtered sunlight peeking through the treetops, with bare feet and open minds, and Kael told me all about what life is like on the road with a famous rock band.
I was only mildly horrified.
Dr. Copeland phoned twice throughout the day, checking in with me to make sure things were all going according to plan. His plan? Yeah, not so much. But I assured him that Kael was doing really well, and we were getting along just fine.
I didn’t elaborate.
He also gave us the good news that Devon’s father had accepted the settlement and wasn’t pressing charges. Much shoulder sagging and loud exhaling followed, and I have to say, Kael looked pretty damn relieved.
Later that night, I convinced him to watch a movie with me, and we snuggled on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn between us. He told me he’d never actually done that before. He confessed to me that he’s never actually dated before either. Not officially, and definitely not exclusively. This was all new to him. Turns out, he’d missed out on all the good stuff, the fun stuff, and he’d gone straight to the hard stuff.
Kael said he was keen to give it a try though—the exclusive thing, the whole dating scene. I asked him what that meant exactly.
Was he asking me to be his girlfriend?
He didn’t answer me. He just smiled that stupid sexy smile of his and then shoved another handful of popcorn in his mouth, chewing loudly as he pointed the remote at the screen.
The very confused look on his face as the opening scene started playing had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
Miracle on 34thStreet.The original.
It took some explaining on my part, and honestly, I think the majority of it went straight over Kael’s head, but to his credit he sat through the entire thing. He even seemed to enjoy it, and you know what, he only tried to feel me up twice.
We’re sitting at the kitchen island early the following morning when Kael gets a text message from Nick telling him that plans have changed, and the studio wants the entire band, Kael included, at the warehouse for rehearsals and meetings at four o’clock that afternoon, not the following afternoon as originally planned.
I couldn’t have been more disappointed.
But apparently, things like this happen all the time in the music industry. Changes occur at the drop of a hat, and you just have to roll with the punches.
Or at least that’s what Kael said. What the hell would I know about it?
My phone vibrates across the granite countertop, and I glance at the screen, smiling instantly when I see who’s calling me.