Page 9 of Echoes of Him
“You know you sound like a bitter old spinster, right?”
“And I wonder why that is?”
Andrea sighs, and I can hear the obvious frustration in her voice. “Jonathan screwed you over, yes. I get that. I really do. And I will never forgive that asshole for what he did to you. But this man-hating, no-sex thing you have going on is kind of a Debbie Downer. It’s killing your spirit. You need to get laid.”
The noise that flies from my mouth sounds like I’ve just been harpooned. “What? No. Getting laid is thelastthing I need.”
“You’re no fun.”
Groaning, I shake my head. Did she really just say that?I’m no fun.Yeah, well neither was finding out that my husband of five years was caught red-handed in the bedroom of one of his clients, screwing the guy’s wife while she screamed his name so loud the neighbors had complained about the noise.
He actually had the audacity to have sex with her in their marital bed. I can’t get past that. And I don’t even know why I can’t get past that. But the thought that he screwed her senseless in a bed she shared with her husband, shocked and astounded me more than just about anything else.
Well, that and the whole cheating on me issue.Prick.
I bite my bottom lip, swallowing down the heavy lump that’s just formed in my throat. This kind of hurt takes time to get over. I may never get over it. But that’s on me. I don’t expect anyone else to understand, especially not Andrea, who has a different guy every other week.
“Listen before you go…” Andrea’s high-pitched valley girl voice snaps me back to reality. “I just wanted to check that I’m still good to take Bailey with me to DC next month.”
“Of course, he’s so excited.”
“Awesome. I’ll book the tickets tonight. I can’t wait to see his face when we get to the National Air and Space Museum. He’s going to shit his pants.”
I cringe, half covering my mouth. “God, I hope not.”
She bursts out laughing. “He’s going to love it, and I promise I’ll take really good care of him.”
“I know you will.”
That’s a given. Andrea loves Bailey. And Bailey loves Andrea just as much. She’s one of the few people in his life who he actually trusts, besides me, of course, and I honestly don’t know how I’d have gotten through the last few years without her help.
“In other unrelated news,” she continues, and I’m totally getting whiplash with how quickly she jumps from one subject to the next. “There’s a new guy just starting up in acquisitions. He’s super nice, and—”
“Andrea,”I groan.
“No, just listen to me for a second… he’s recently become single, not sure why, might have something to do with the fact that he still reads a real newspaper instead of reading it online, like, you know, normal people. But hey, what do I know. He’s looking to get back into the dating scene.”
“Didn’t wejusthave this conversation?”
“It’s only dinner. What’s the big deal?”
“No!” I hiss sharply through clenched teeth. Though, the newspaper thing is kind of cute. I appreciate old school. But still, no way. “Absolutely not.”
“He’s free Friday night.”
“I’m busy Friday night.”
“Doing what?”
“Literallyanything else.”
The sound of footsteps coming down the narrow hallway catches my attention, and I grab my purse from the floor, resting it in my lap. “Look, I really have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Okay. Love you.”
“Love you, too. Bye.”
Ending the call, I switch my phone to silent and hurriedly shove it back into my purse again.