Page 96 of Echoes of Him
Reed: Quinn finally wants to talk about what’s going on with him. We’re meeting at the studio at 8. And Brinley wants to have a girl’s night out with Sienna. Cocktails or some shit.
“Hey, I’ve got some band stuff to do tonight. Brinley wants a girl’s night out. You interested?”
Popping some bread into the toaster, Sienna turns and looks at me, resting her hip against the counter. “A girl’s night out with Brinley actually sounds fun. Bailey’s been invited to the movies tonight with some friends from school, so the timing is actually kind of perfect,” she says, turning back to the eggs. But then she pauses, peeking back over her shoulder at me. “Why does Reed call Brinley, Tink?”
“How the fuck would I know? It’s probably a safe word or something. He’s into some weird shit.”
I text Reed back, telling him that I’ll be there, and that Sienna is up for a girl’s night out with Brinley. He sends me the name of the cocktail bar she wants to go to, and then tells me that Brinley will have an Uber swing by and pick Sienna up on the way.
Thinking back on how much has changed, and how far I’ve come since getting out of rehab, it suddenly makes me appreciate the people in my life.
Reed and I have had our issues in the past, but he never did me wrong, not like I did him. I owe the guy big time, so I send another quick text message.
Me: Thank you for not giving up on me.
And then I switch off my phone.I don’t wait for his reply. I don’t need to see it right now. I just want Reed to know how I feel without making a huge deal of it.
Because, you know, I’m not atotalpussy.
It’s well after midnight by the time I get back to Sienna’s place. I know where the spare key is kept, courtesy of Bailey and his need, or want, to keep me coming over.
I feel for it in the darkness and then slide the key into the latch before I slip into the small foyer and tiptoe up the darkened staircase.
I stick my head into Bailey’s bedroom along the way, checking on the man of the house. He’s out cold, snoring softly.
Sienna’s bedroom is dark when I push the door open, and the only source of light seeps through the small crack in the curtains from the streetlamp on the sidewalk outside.
A smile touches my lips when I see her curled up on her side beneath the covers, her hair spread out across the pillow. She looks so soft and warm, and she smells warm, too—pink and sweet—and within seconds I’m stripping out of my jeans, kicking off my boots and socks and sliding beneath the blanket, searching her out with wandering hands and gentle touches that make her stir.
The mattress moves beneath my weight, and she rolls into my chest, staying there when my hands slide beneath her tank top, palming the satiny skin of her stomach.
“Hey,” she says sleepily.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep. I just want to hold you for a bit.”
“You didn’t wake me,” she says, curling into my body. “And I like you holding me.”
“I looked in on Bailey.”
“Did you pull his covers up?” she purrs, her hands doing a little exploring of their own.
“Yeah. He’s fine.” My lips seek her out, and I kiss her shoulder. “How was your night? Did you have fun?” My thumb traces over the bare skin of her belly, slowly, back and forth over the elastic of her pajama shorts. “Did you relax, drink some cocktails?”
“Yep,” she says softly, her hands moving around my neck. “I had two very fluffy, very pink, girlie drinks that went straight to my head. I was home before ten o’clock. How was your night?”
My hand slips beneath the elastic of her shorts, my fingertips brushing over the top of her smooth mound. The little rush of air that slips through her lips from my touch has me considering my options.
“I can’t say much about it. I signed a nondisclosure agreement.”
“Oh,” she says, sounding surprised.
I lean up on one elbow, making the mattress dip again and then capture her mouth with mine, another kiss. I tug on her lower lip with my teeth. “It’s not unusual. We sign stuff like that all the time. Quinn’s got some shit he’s sorting out. I can’t say much more, I’m sorry.”
“Is he alright?”
“He will be.”