Page 1 of The Season of Secrets
“So, what time are you coming over tonight?” I hear from the other side of the cubicle I share with Marissa Collins my mentor turned work best friend at Beckham Securities. I spin around in my chair and meet her gaze as she bites into a granola bar.
“Maybe seven?” I shift in my chair, pull my pencil skirt down, and cross my legs. “The party starts at eight, right?”
She nods and stands up to move closer to me. “I can’t wait for you to experience your first holiday party here.” She whistles and lets out a laugh. “It’s…something.”
Marissa is a year older than me but has been working for the company for almost three years and while I was assigned to her to learn the ropes six months ago when I started, she’s also taken it upon herself to give me all the inside gossip, and more importantly, what men to stay away from, what women aren’tgirls’ girls, and the best places to go for lunch. From the beginning, she always invited me to happy hours with her friends and did her best to make me feel included. I’ve only been here about six months, since I graduated college, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myfirst jobexperience.
“Well, don’t scare her,” a familiar voice interrupts and then I see Liam, a guy from sales that Marissa is convinced has a crush on me. He’s standing at the entrance to our cubicle, dressed in jeans and a polo because it’scasual Friday.“It’s fun but it’s not too crazy.”
“She’s six months post-grad from a party school; she thrives on crazy.” Marissa giggles and I glare at her comment about Penn State.Okay, yes it may be a party school, but I still graduated Summa Cum Laude which meant I spent more time studying than partying.
Okay, half and half.
“It’s definitely a good time,” Liam adds and gives me a smile followed by a wink. “You coming to Marissa’s early?”
“That’s the plan.” I nod and give him a smile. I’m not interested in Liam despite his boyish good looks and southern charm, but I’m nothing if not polite.
“Great, I’ll see you tonight then.” He grins, revealing perfectly straight teeth. “Do you want—” he starts when another voice cuts through our conversation.
“Mr. Patterson.” I freeze, hearing my boss’s deep sultry voice as he appears next to Liam at the entrance to my cubicle, taking up more space than Liam does. He’s so…big andreally just overpowering. Not to mention, gorgeous.He has black frames that sit in front of blue eyes and a tattoo that always peeks out under the cuff of his jacket making me wonder if he’s got a sleeve. His hair is sandy brown but peppered with gray making me think he’ll be asilver foxin a few years. “Miss Graham, Miss Collins.” He nods at us and I know my cheeks have to be pink at the thought of being reprimanded. My hands twist in my lap nervously when his eyes linger on me a moment longer than they did on Marissa’s.
“Mr. Beckham,” Liam says with a nod. “We were just talking about the holiday party.”
“You’re a long way from your desk,” Mr. Beckham responds and I wince, hoping Liam is not about to get in trouble.
“Well, I’m actually on my way out for an appointment, and thought I would drop by to talk to them about tonight,” he explains. “We are meeting up before the holiday party.”
“I see.” Mr. Beckham looks Liam up and down and narrows his gaze. “Without your coat or your things?” He raises an eyebrow and slaps his back before moving down the hall towards his office. “Flirt on your own time, Patterson,” he calls over his shoulder.
Liam glares after him before turning back to Marissa. “God, he’s such a dick.”
Marissa fixes her headband keeping her jet-black curls back and points at me. “To everyone but Raegan.”
Liam frowns and turns to me, eyeing me curiously. “Is that so?”
My eyebrows pinch as I turn to look at her. “Marissa, he’s not exactly friendly towards me either.”
“No, but he’s not a hard ass to you like he is to everyone else.”
“He’s not a hard ass to you!” I argue.
“He used to be. The only reason he’s lightened up now is because I’m friends withyou.” She wiggles her eyebrows up and down. “I’ve been here three years, and I’ve never seen him respond to anyone the way he responds to you. He’s so nice to you! Remember that time he brought you coffee?”
“He didn’tbringme coffee! I accidentally left my coffee in the copy room and he brought it!” I glower at her. This is how rumors start and being the newest and thereby the lowest on the totem pole, that’s the last thing I need being spread about me.
“Wes Beckham hasn’t been in the copy room in years, and the second you set foot in there, suddenly, he knows where the fuck it is.” Marissa rolls her eyes and turns back to her computer. “Liam…” she waves her hand towards him, “go before you get in trouble.”
I watch him leave before I roll my chair closer to hers so I can whisper. “What are you saying exactly?”
She turns her head towards me and raises an eyebrow making me wonder if she can see the hope written all over my face. She blinks her dark brown eyes rapidly. “That the boss is into you.”
“Oh.” I let out a breath because,fuckwhat does that even mean?
“But there’s a million fraternization policies in place, so he won’t make a move.”
“Of course not.” I shake my head and stare at her computer screen because I’m too nervous to meet her gaze.
“Oh em gee!” she says and grabs my face to turn it toward her. “Do you have a crush on Mr. Beckham?”