Page 1 of Mistaken as His Royal Bride
ITWASLIKEa scene from a futuristic movie. They were in the middle of the desert under a scorching sun and around them were all manner of eye-popping spectacles.
On a huge stage in the far distance a world-renowned band was blasting out their hits to an ecstatic crowd. There were food and drinks stalls selling everything from healthy smoothies to tequila shots to burgers and Asian street food.
Otherworldly giant figures appeared through the heat haze—people on stilts. At that moment a couple walked past Maddi Smith, hand in hand, and she only realised belatedly that they were entirely naked except for body paint.
There was a circus ground nearby, and Maddi watched a trapeze artist in a sequined leotard with a mane of long bright red hair fly through the air against the bright blue sky like an exotic bird. She held her breath and let it out again when the trapeze artist was safely caught by the hands of her partner.
Huge temporary art installations made of wood—intricate houses, windmills, even ships—were silhouetted against the sky. A man drove across the desert in the distance on a fish-shaped motorbike.
The crowd around them were an eclectic mix of young and old, but with a common theme of eccentricity, a zest for life and wearing costumes that bared acres of flesh and wouldn’t look out of place on the cover of a steam punk novel.
‘This place is wild, Mads. How on earth did you hear about it?’
Maddi’s half-sister Laia put her arm through hers. Maddi’s heart swelled. She loved her so much, even though they’d only met for the first time a year ago.
And right now the two half-sisters fitted right into the crowd around them milling through the teepee tent village where they’d slept the night before. Laia was wearing a black diamante bra-top and tiny shorts, fishnet tights and sturdy black boots. Her hair was backcombed and threaded through with tiny plaits. They’d had their eyes painted with sparkles and glitter and bright green eyeshadow.
Maddi was wearing something very similar, but instead of shorts she was wearing a tiny gold mini skirt. They both had huge goggles on their heads, part of their costumes but also protection against the sun and sand.
Maddi squeezed Laia’s arm. ‘I heard about this place when I was working at the club in Dublin. It’s been on my bucket list ever since.’
Laia smiled. ‘Is that the place where you had to dress like a French maid?’
Maddi shuddered. ‘Don’t remind me. I could have worn that uniform here and not looked remotely out of place.’
Laia laughed.
At that moment a man walked past wearing nothing but a thong and a large rug around his shoulders. His sunglasses had a third lens to cover his third eye.
He looked at them and tipped an imaginary hat. ‘Ladies.’
The sisters giggled and then Maddi took Laia’s hand. ‘Come on, let’s find some food. I’m starving.’
Laia responded dryly, ‘Whenaren’tyou hungry?’
Maddi made a face at her and led her through the crowd, conscious of the ever-present security detail that accompanied them at a distance. Because Maddi’s sister was someone important. Very important. She was Crown Princess of a small kingdom in the Mediterranean called Isla’Rosa. She was due to turn twenty-five in mere weeks and then she would be crowned Queen.
Maddi was the product of an illicit affair Laia’s father the King had had about a year after his beloved wife had died while giving birth to Laia.
When Maddi’s mother had fallen pregnant the King had panicked and sent her into exile, with an allowance to bring up his illegitimate daughter and an edict to stay away from Isla’Rosa for fear of causing a scandal.
Her mother was a proud woman and had left, taking her broken heart and her pregnancy with her. One of Maddi’s abiding memories from growing up was her mother’s bone-deep sadness. Her mother had never hidden the origins of her birth, and Maddi had always felt in some part responsible for her pain. If Maddi hadn’t been born then they wouldn’t be living in exile. Her mother would still be in the country she loved.
Laia had explained to Maddi that she’d only found out about her when her father had been on his deathbed, racked with guilt and remorse, nearly four years ago.
He’d confessed to Laia that he’d had the affair because he’d been grief-stricken and overwhelmed by becoming a widower with a young baby daughter. It was no excuse, he’d said, but it had been a moment of weakness that he’d always regretted. He’d begged Laia to look for Maddi to try and explain and ask for forgiveness for his behaviour.
But Laia hadn’t gone looking for Maddi straight away. She’d been fearful of what she might find. Afraid that Maddi would hate her for being ostracised, and possibly not want anything to do with her. Maybe even be bitter and want to lay her own claim to the throne or harm Isla’Rosa.
But eventually Laiahadgone looking for Maddi and had found her in Ireland, and from the moment the half-sisters had met, all of Laia’s concerns had dropped away. There had been a powerful connection between them. An instant bond. As if they’d already known each other on some level.
When Laia had found Maddi she’d explained that she fully intended to reveal Maddi as her half-sister, and a true Princess of Isla’Rosa—but they agreed it wouldn’t happen until the coronation, when Laia would announce Maddi as Princess, once she was Queen.
Their father the King had been much revered by the people of Isla’Rosa and the world over, especially for his lifelong devotion to his deceased wife, so news of an illegitimate daughter and a lover would come as a huge shock—not just to the people of Isla’Rosa.
Maddi didn’t want to be the cause of any adverse headlines before the coronation and she’d made it very clear that she had no designs on Isla’Rosa. The most important thing for her was to get to know her sister. She’d never expected Laia to come looking for her. And she’d had no intention of seeking her sister out, even though she’d known where she was. That whole existence...a royal life of duty and privilege...was so far removed from Maddi’s very ordinary upbringing as to be on another planet.