Page 108 of Desperate Acts
She arched her naked body against him, tugging on his hair. “I suppose that’s true. I don’t know how to play games. I never did.”
“Thank God.” A shiver of anticipation raced through Kaden. It didn’t matter that he’d spent hours sating his ravenous hunger the night before. He was already eager to continue exploring the various ways to please this woman. “I’ve never feared you wanted anything from me.”
She tugged his head down so she could press a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. “That’s not entirely true.”
He nuzzled the corner of her mouth, pressing his aching erection against her hip. “Anything I wasn’t ready and eager to give,” he growled. “And just as importantly, I never feared you were going to use me to gain some sort of advantage. You didn’t need an advantage. Instead, you treated me like I was an annoying intruder you were forced to allow into your home to help solve the mystery of who jumped from the railroad bridge.”
She clicked her tongue. “Not exactly annoying.”
“Dangerous.” Her eyes shimmered like emeralds in the morning sunlight. “I still think you’re dangerous. But only in the best way.”
He swept his lips over her cheek to discover the sensitive spot just below her ear. “That sounds like a challenge.”
Lia wrapped her arms around his neck, melting against him in blatant invitation. “Not everything has to be a challenge.”
He nipped the lobe of her ear. “Do you know me at all?”
In answer, she lifted her leg to drape it over his hip. “Not as well as I intend to.”
Kaden groaned in approval, tugging her so close, nothing could get between them.
“A challenge,” he insisted.
Lia kissed a path along the stubborn line of his jaw. “A promise.”
“Yes.” He slid his hand down the curve of her spine, his touch boldly possessive. “You were never getting rid of me. The moment I walked into Porter’s Grocery Store, my fate was sealed.”
She shivered, but she tilted back her head to send him a worried glance. “You know, we haven’t discussed what we’re going to do.”
He allowed the tip of his erection to penetrate the entrance to her body. They both shuddered in pleasure. “I prefer action to words. That’s why I was a stuntman and not an actor.”
“I’m talking about our future.”
Kaden captured her lips in a demanding kiss. There was no doubt their lives together would be complicated. And not only because they lived two thousand miles apart. But he refused to accept they couldn’t find a way to be together.
“We’ll figure it out,” he murmured against her lips.
“It won’t be easy,” he interrupted her protest. “But we’ll work together to share each other’s burdens, which includes you revamping my accounting system and me renovating your store into the twenty-first century.” He narrowed his gaze with determination. “Plus, we’ll scale back our businesses, we’ll hire more staff, we’ll learn to delegate, and we’ll make a vow that nothing is more important than our happiness.”
Lia studied him in surprise. As if she hadn’t expected him to have spent so much time contemplating their future.
“That all sounds . . .” She appeared lost for words.
“Yes?” he prompted.
She smiled as she pressed herself onto the hard length of his arousal. “Like paradise.”
* * *
Lia was floating in a delicious haze of bliss when a vibrating sound jerked her awake. At first she thought it was a fly buzzing around. Then she grimaced, remembering that it was the dead of winter. There were no flies.
Forcing open her eyes, she glanced around the bedroom in confusion. It wasn’t until her gaze swept over the nearby nightstand that she realized the sound had come from her phone.
With a low groan, she pulled herself out of Kaden’s arms and wiggled into a sitting position so she could grab it. Her muscles were stiff, but she savored each ache and pang. She’d loved every second of making love to the man snoozing next to her. And she had every intention of repeating the experience.