Page 26 of Desperate Acts
He’d changed into a sensible parka, but he was still dangerously sexy as he moved to stand directly in front of her.
Knowing her cheeks were flushed with awareness, she pressed a hand to her chest and acted frightened.
“You startled me.”
“Sorry. I tried to wave you down, but you seemed distracted.”
His words reminded her of how she’d spent the early part of her morning. Regaining command of her composure, she turned to unlock the door to her building.
“I went to the hospital to check on Drew.”
“I just heard he’d been in an accident.”
She nodded. “A hit-and-run.”
“Did he notice anything about the car?”
“He’s still unconscious.” She studied the gorgeous male face that had haunted her dreams. “Did you need something?”
“I’m not sure.” He reached up to impatiently push his hair out of his face as a gust of wind whipped through the alley. “I came to Pike to talk to the sheriff.”
That explained how he’d known about Drew’s accident. She tilted her head to the side. “And?”
“And he’s not interested.”
“Predictable. He doesn’t seem to be interested in anything.”
He shifted from foot to foot, as if he wasn’t entirely sure what to do with himself. “I know you’re probably busy, but . . .”
“The store is closed on Mondays,” she assured him, pushing open the door. Then, without allowing herself to consider whether it was a bad idea to spend more time with Kaden Vaughn, she motioned for him to join her. “Would you like some coffee?”
“That would be great.” He surprisingly turned back toward his Jeep. “Let me grab something right quick.” Opening the passenger door, he pulled out a leather satchel before he turned back to face her. “I brought a few of my brother’s files with me. I intended to give them to the sheriff.”
“But he wasn’t interested.”
Lia stepped inside the building and removed her coat to hang it on the wooden rack. Once Kaden was inside, she hurriedly slammed shut the door. It was colder now than it had been when she’d awakened at the crack of dawn.
Kaden followed close behind her as she headed down the hallway to her office. She wasn’t foolish enough to take him upstairs to her apartment.
“Now I’m hoping there’s something in the files that might jog your memory,” Kaden admitted.
“I’ve told you everything I saw that night.”
“I just meant in general. Maybe you noticed something around town or heard something that didn’t mean anything at the time.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to try.” She unlocked her office and waved him toward the chairs at the back. “I’ll get the coffee going. There are cookies on the table.”
She headed toward the corner where she kept a fancy, barista-quality coffee maker. Behind her was the sound of Kaden removing his coat and settling in one of the leather chairs. A few seconds later, he released a low groan that sent shivers of pleasure through her.
“These are dangerous,” he growled. “Did you make them?”
“Yes.” She switched on the machine and within seconds, the scent of brewing coffee filled the air. “I’m a stress baker.”
She didn’t add that she often had important business meetings in the office. And that fresh chocolate chip cookies were a remarkably effective tool in negotiations. That was her secret weapon.