Page 59 of Bad Boy Romance
When Cadie arrives on the beach wearing a tiny white bikini, it’s as if everyone else disappears and all I see is her. Her long hair hangs loose around her shoulders and stops just below her perfect breasts. The smooth mounds call to me, making my mouth water. She looks like she just stepped out of a photo shoot.
“What’s wrong?” she says, her full lips hinting at a smile. She tucks her hair behind her ears, exposing her long neck. “What are you staring at?”
She acts all innocent, like she doesn’t know exactly what’s going through my head, but no one wears a bikini like that without expecting a fair amount of attention. The fact that she’s wearing it for me makes me think maybe it’s not just the surf lessons she’s after today.
“Only the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I say. Yeah, it’s a line, but it’s also true.
She scoffs at the compliment and rolls her eyes. I’m sure people tell her how beautiful she is all the time, but somehow I don’t think she realizes the extent of it, which makes me think that somewhere down the road, someone has betrayed her. A boyfriend or husband. Perhaps whoever was in a hurry to move out of her place, leaving the hangers in a pile in her closet. I can’t imagine any man wanting to leave this woman for any reason.
I pull off my shirt. Two can play at this game. Her eyes widen and her nervous breaths shiver out in feathered wisps. Now she’ll understand what I’m going through. At least for her, the evidence of her attraction doesn’t create a tent in the front of her shorts. I know she sees it when her entire body starts to flush. I pretend not to notice and let her have an eyeful. And damn, does she take her fill. She’s greedy for it. Eventually I clear my throat. She gives a start, noticing she’s been caught staring.
“Ready to surf?” I ask.
She swallows and nods.
As always with my students, I have them practice on the sand before they ever get in the water. She stands on the board, her pretty feet in the wrong position. At first I try to give her verbal instructions, but it doesn’t quite work out. I’m going to have to be hands-on with this one. Not that I’m complaining.
“Not like that,” I say, stepping up behind her. My hands cup her hips. Her entire body breaks out in goosebumps when our skin touches. Her muscles get stiff. “Relax.” I run my hand along the curve of her side and hip, then give her a little shake to try and loosen her body—really just an excuse to touch more of her velvet skin. She does relax a bit, but the goosebumps are still there. “Now turn your hips just so.” I move her body like she’s a posable doll. She follows my instructions.
“Now lean back and forth, that’s how you’re going to control where the board takes you. It’s like having your hands on a steering wheel, but with your feet,” I say.
She does it wrong again, only this time, I have a feeling she’s doing it on purpose.
I get on the board behind her and press up against her body so she can feel my movement. Her breathing shifts, becoming shallow. She’s trembling. I’m hard for her and I know she can feel it. I press it against her smooth round ass and she rubs up against me, making a sound that I’m fairly certain was a moan.
“There you go,” I say into her ear as she starts to move with my body, mimicking what I’m doing. Damn, if she keeps moving like that I’m going to come in my shorts.
“Am I doing it right?” she says, her voice almost a whisper.
I touch the flat of her stomach, pressing harder against her until my cock is nestled into the crook of her ass. Fuck it, if I come, I come. I can hide it by getting in the water. “Perfect.”
I clear my throat and step away from her. “You ready to get in the water?” I ask.
She hesitates. I think she wants to stay close, but eventually she says, “I think so.”
We grab our boards and get into the water. At first we just stand in the surf. I can tell she’s nervous. Maybe she doesn’t even want to surf. I know I don’t. All I want right now is to touch her again. Just then a wave hits us and she’s knocked back. I catch her before she falls, our bodies pressed against each other, front to front. Her breasts press against my chest and it feels amazing. Each one is soft and round. They are small and go perfectly with her athletic build. The perfect mouthfuls and I want nothing more than to taste her. She’s laughing and so am I as the force of the water pushes us around. I hold her tighter to keep her from drifting away from me. She has a laugh like a lullaby, warm and soothing. That’s a laugh I would never get sick of.
Suddenly, she gets this serious look on her face. I’m holding my breath, waiting for her to kiss me, but then she says, “Surf’s up,” and turns around with her board to catch the next wave. The breath leaves my mouth with a whoosh, and I laugh at myself for getting so excited about a kiss.
She’s actually really good for a novice and manages to get up on the board several times and ride small waves. Her balance is perfect and she has good control of her body. She must have played sports or been a cheerleader, something that would require good balance.
When we’re done, we’re both exhausted. The sun is going down. Only a few people remain on the beach. I lead her over to the showers to rinse the salt water off our bodies. That’s when I notice her bikini is transparent. I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed it before. Then again, we were up to our necks in waves. As she rinses her hair, I have a perfect view of her pert nipples and the pink areolas around them. Fuck, there goes my boner again. That guy is always at full salute when she’s around.
When she’s done, I drop my gaze. She wrings the water out of her hair. “Damn, I forgot my towel,” she says.
“I have an extra in my truck.”
We head for the parking lot. She walks ahead of me, giving me an excellent view of that pert round ass. Like a hungry shark, I just want to take a bite of it.
We get to my truck, I open the door and hand her the towel.
“I’m going to change here, if that’s okay. I don’t want the seats of my car to get wet from my suit,” she says.
“Yeah, okay,” I tell her, and volunteer to be a shield so anyone walking by won’t see her.