Page 8 of Bad Boy Romance
“Please,” I answer sharply.
Braiding his fingers through mine, he pulls me to the back of the barn and leads me out a door. “Why let this night drown us? We can make the best of it together, can't we? No strings attached, just a little fun. What do you think?”
“I think that sounds really great.”
It's only one night. I'll be gone tomorrow. What harm could come from a one night stand with him?
People do it all the time. They meet someone, they hook up, and then they never see them again. This is no different.
Besides the fact, he's Jenna's husband's best friend. . .
Am I drunk? Yes. But even if I weren’t, I know I'd still say yes. It wouldn't matter where I am. I could never turn away a man like this.
He can help me replace all the emotions I'm feeling with a happy memory. A memory that will last. A memory I can look back on when I remember Jenna's wedding.
Is this selfish? Am I being a terrible friend?
It doesn't matter. All Jenna is going to remember is Ryder. I'm not taking anything away from her today. I'm just giving myself a little bonus gift.
Time to unwrap my present.