Page 21 of Fractured Vows
“Dad, he’s not a hunk of meat,” Briana gently chided.
“Well, I don’t know about that, sissy,” Bridgit mused, gliding up on our other side. “What do you bench, Mr. Markovich?”
Briana glared at her. That little spark of jealousy wasn’t lost on me. I moved away from them and took up a position behind Briana. Her tight pencil skirt brushed against the front of my slacks. I ran my ink-splattered knuckles down her bare arm while grabbing my fresh vodka from the bartender. “I bench enough to do the heavy lifting,” I said, not disguising the sensuality behind the remark.
Bridgit sucked in a sharp breath. It was easy to pretend not to notice her full bosom shaking for me.And...yuck.I would need to be careful with that one.
Mrs. Pelto chose that moment to sail over to where we all stood. “The staff has just told me that dinner is ready,” she informed us.
I watched her line-free face stiffen more than the fillers her dermatologist used as she took in the scene between us. At her look, the others moved away from the cocktail bar and retreated into the private dining space. Glad we were alone again, I slid my arm into place behind Briana’s back as she stood up. It fit well there. She didn’t fight me, but neither did she lean in closer.
We entered the room together as a boisterous imp of a man, trailed by a sallow-faced leaner version, came in through the doors on the other side of the dining room. “Peltos! So good to see everyone. What a joyous occasion!” he boomed.
“And that is why they are the charity cases of the Hiltons,” said Gavin, Briana’s eldest brother, as he walked past. If he expected Briana to laugh at his cruel joke, he was disappointed. The eldest son chuckled as he walked away, tossing back the smug addition, “Bridge will get them in line.”
Briana sighed before muttering under her breath to me, “What he means is that their last name buys my sister into the upper circles of society. From there, she’ll carve out a throne and reign as one of the many queens. I almost feel bad for poor Henry.”
“He’s roped into the schemes of a beautiful woman,” I said, leaning down.
A shiver skated over her body. “Are you saying you feel like a sacrificial lamb in the same position?”
“Oh, love, no. I can’t be tamed. I’m here with my eyes wide open; you couldn’t pull the wool over them if you tried.”
“Well, that must make sex boring. Always missionary, always with a submissive,” she dared, jerking a brow.
“On the contrary, babe. Just because I’m in charge of every aspect doesn’t mean the bedroom games are boring.”
I pulled out her chair at the Peltos’ table, and Briana folded into it.
“So, I suppose you’ll be moving to New York City?” Mr. Pelto asked me, not disguising how he watched the way I ran my inked knuckles over Briana’s arm before dropping my hand into her lap.
Briana tensed at the question, but I squeezed her thigh. “My family is in LA. I’m central to their business, so it’s not possible for me to move,” I explained easily.
“Then how do you and Bri intend to continue...whatever this is?” her mother asked, gesturing between us. It was a sharp question.
What interested me was that they were focused on Briana when the fiancé had arrived. Perhaps, because the Hilton was already bagged, they didn’t concern themselves with the acquisition’s comfort.Poor bastard....This kind of family ate men like him alive.
Not me, though, and I could see now that that was part of the reason Briana had come to me in the first place.
“She can’t be thinking of giving up her position at the firm!” Gavin now cut in, looking aghast at his sister.
“Wait! Doesn’t Mr. Avery do some work in Los Angeles?” Bridgit asked. “It’s not as prestigious as the New York firm, I’ll admit, but maybe you’d be a better fit for something less demanding, anyways.”
Swallowing my anger at the dig, I squeezed Briana’s thigh again, hoping it was enough to distract her, then inched it higher up her leg, confident the move was hidden under the table.
Briana squirmed slightly. “Right now, we’re taking things slow,” she said, dodging their questions.
There was a tangible sniff from everyone except Michael and the bride.
“It’s one of the things I admire about you, Bri,” I said, turning to look at her. “We’ve known one another for years, but you’re not in a rush to tie me down.” I slid my hand up higher, skimming dangerous territory. Like a man possessed, I couldn’t stop touching her.
Her eyes widened, and she shifted her hips. “Maybe wild animals should be best admired from a distance. Bringing you into the fold before you’re thoroughly tamed would be dangerous,” Briana ground out through a smile.
“Just remember that having fun now will cement your place on a different level of the corporate ladder, sis,” Michael shot back.
“But she won’t need to,” I interjected. “I would never stand in the way of your career, babe.” I leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on her bare collarbone. I wanted to rip the dress off and give her skin a chance to breathe in this tropical atmosphere.
There was a delicate cough from one of Briana’s parents, but I didn’t look their way. I was trying to capture Bri’s attention and tell her through my eyes that she was strong. She’d brought me here, and I recognized it as a cry for help, and I would do all I could to make her life easier.