Page 24 of Fractured Vows
“If you want to be daddy’s good girl, march that fine ass back up to the resort. Join them for desserts, coffee, and more ribbing,” Viktor pointed out as he prowled into my peripheral. “But, if you want to have some fun, strip.”
The command was like a dark shiver over my skin. I’d never done something as utterly insane as this before. Not even in college.You’re only young once.
“Fine. Don’t look,” I snapped.
The deep sound of Viktor’s laughter told me he had no intention of obeying my command. I could defy him and go back, or...
My shaking fingers tugged at the blouse, popping it out of my skirt. I pulled the shirt away, my breasts freed. Gooseflesh arose despite the heat of the tropics. However, the feeling of being exposed and vulnerable never appeared—even with the bandages over my nipples. There was only a second to wonder about it as I unzipped my pencil skirt.I must feel comfortable around Viktor—odd as that conclusion was to admit.
I chewed on my lower lip and risked a peep at Viktor. The bastard was staring at me, his punishing gaze leaving burn trails over my skin. Steeling my spine, I resisted the urge to cross my arms over my chest and turned to face him. Before my brain could scramble for comment, he rushed me. A defensive lineman would have been proud of the way he barreled into me. But instead of making the tackle, Viktor lifted me onto his shoulder.
“Not this again,” I groaned over his shoulder as Viktor sprinted toward the water.
Viktor only chuckled as he pounded through the surf.
“Why are you doing this?” I squeaked.
“I came here to have fun, and I’m dragging you along with me,” he countered. “Hold your breath!”
It was the only warning I had before he dove under the waves. The ocean was chilly, but the warm monster holding me tight gave off enough heat to stave off the shock. We came up for air, and as he let out that sexy laugh again, Viktor set me down.
“Is it okay that we’re down here?” I asked, swiping at my face. No doubt it was running with drenched cosmetics.
Viktor shrugged. “I don’t care either way.”
Of course, he didn’t. Resort employees wouldn’t want to confront a massive, powerful man, especially when he looked like a criminal. If only they knew he was all growl and no bite, unlike his namesake, ussuri, which would maul anyone crazy enough to challenge it. An ussuri he wasn’t tonight, though—more like a teddy bear. This lighter side of Viktor was so different, and not unwelcome.
In the spirit of the crazy evening, I stepped back, swept my arm through the wave, and splashed the brute in the face. Grinning, I flashed him a challenging look.
He lunged for me. I dodged and pushed his head into the water, but he managed to grip my wrists and pull me down with him. I gasped, my breath cut off. Iron bands wrapped around my arms, pinning them to my sides. Viktor hooked a leg around mine and tipped me horizontally. The reason why was soon revealed when he ripped off the bandages—all four adhesives! The bite of pain across my nipples was nothing compared to the embarrassment that flooded every fiber of my being.
Thrashing back and forth, I screamed, the air leaving my mouth in a burst of bubbles. Not breaking his hold, Viktor captured my fingers and tapped them. Three times. Then pushed us to the surface.
As we came up for air, it took a second for me to realize what that tapping had meant. “I didnotconcede!” I rasped, slamming my hands onto his chest as I came back to my feet.
“Oh, really?” he challenged, taking a step back on the sand and releasing me. A sudden shiver ran down my spine at the loss of his hard, warm mass. His hands reached for his waist, and in one smooth move, he bent and removed his boxers. As he straightened, the incoming wave dipped, and a flash of that Apollo’s belt presented itself for my consideration.
I had to clench my lips so as not to sigh—or worse, drool. The line of his abdomen made a V to where only a dusting of dark hair was visible.
“Your turn,” Viktor dared.
I snapped my gaze to meet his, but he was too focused on securing the bandages in the fly of his boxers. Wadding up the mass, he tossed it safely to shore.Not littering. Point for the caveman.
With a deep breath, I reached for the elastic of my panties. I’d come this far; I might as well finish this game. Dropping them quickly, I pulled the panties from between my feet, then rose, thinking to be smart and throw them at Viktor, but the beast was stone still, staring hard at me. Intensity shone in his eyes. It was exactly how artists would have painted a dark god risen from the deep.
I stood there in shock as Viktor prowled forward, grabbing my wrist and yanking me to his body. A rush of surf pressed me into his hard mass, and my palms automatically landed on his tattooed chest. Pressed against his body, I realized again how large this beast was. I wasn’t small by any means, but Viktor towered over me. Heat blazed off his body; he was a raging inferno. I was laced with arousal and carnal need. It coiled through me, stirring desire deep in my belly, making my pussy ache with longing.
It would be so good with him, I knew it. It was something I’d known all along, which was part of the reason I’d written the clause in the contract about no physical touching.
His erection, caught between our bodies, was a clear indication he didn’t give a damn about the agreement.
“You’re breaking all my rules,” I said, but I couldn’t summon the proper tone to sound truly pissed.
“Yep, guilty as charged. I tore that paper into pieces, chewed it up, and spit it to the wind,” Viktor said, dropping each word with slow, pointed intention. “You can’t make a contract if you have no way to enforce it, suits. Then it’s just a sheet of dead tree with fancy chicken scratches.”
The harsh truth made me want to slap him. But as my brain processed his words, I realized how right he was. “That’s almost profound.”
“Is that admiration I detect in your tone?” He ran his tongue over his lips.