Page 26 of Fractured Vows
Chapter 8 – Viktor
After the skinny-dippingsession with Briana, I needed something to take the edge off. The next best thing to sex was a good fist fight. While there were several pricks back at the resort, they weren’t worth the effort, and punching Briana’s brother and father to a bloody pulp wasn’t the best way to ingratiate myself with her. No...their time would come. Instead, I’d ventured beyond the walls of the resort to find my entertainment.
Back in jeans and a black tee, I shifted my muscles and cracked my neck, eyeing my targets. They were sprawled around tables set outside rundown buildings. The contrast between the local living conditions and the luxury of the resorts was astonishing, but I felt at home in both locations.
Deciding now was the time, I stepped into the ring cast by the glow of the streetlight. The local kingpin looked up from the card game laid out on the rickety table. His scrawny arms were covered with lean muscle, and the black, ribbed wife-beater showed his whole frame was one long, toned lump.
“I heard there was a local game,” I drawled, holding up my hands.
The kingpin’s naturally fair skin was heavily tanned, so that when he frowned, the wrinkles and lines deepened, making him look older than he was.
“Javel, right?” I snapped my fingers and pointed the indexes at him like twin barrels. “I’m told you’re the man to beat.”
“And who the fuck are you?” he spat in a heavy island accent.
“A guest at the Nyoka Resort who’s bored with the provided activities.” I noted how the goons cast looks around but didn’t make any moves. It helped to confirm my theory that this was an actual criminal organization and not some impoverished thugs playing tough.
“Is this real enough for you, pig?” Javal laid a shiny pistol on his table.
There was a shift through his gang, laughter and whispered jabs.
“That’s perfect; we match,” I said with a grin, slowly pinching my shirt and lifting the material.
Hisses and snarls erupted, but I never dropped eye contact with the kingpin. “I just want to play,” I insisted. “But only if the stakes are right.”
Javal considered me. “I can’t tell if you’re cocky or stupid. You come into my territory, flash your metal, and expect to live?”
“I have powerful friends back in the States. If anything happens to me, they’ll know who to come for.” I stepped forward. The goons around the kingpin’s table scurried away, allowing me to walk right up to the vacant chair.
“All this for a game of cards?” Javal drawled.
“Let’s make this interesting,” I offered, gripping the back of the chair.
Javal leaned back. “What do you propose?”
“Fight me.”
Javal snorted. “You’re pretty funny for a pig.”