Page 60 of Fractured Vows
Chapter 21 – Viktor
Sipping on my neatscotch on the patio outside, I relished the smoky burn warming my throat. Today had been straight from hell. Last night, my men were brutally attacked. There had been a street skirmish, and I’d managed to make the end of it. We’d regrouped, only to have my cousin storm into the restaurant and give me an earful in front of my men. While he’d had good points, Nikolai was a hothead; something my uncle was working very hard to beat out of him. It had been a long night after a long day, and I hadn’t needed Nikolai’s shit.
Pushing back the empty plate that had once been full of steaks, I looked over the back of my house. The girls had ordered pizza and eaten in the rec room while watching a cheesy movie before going to bed. Sophia’s light was off, but there was a flicker of movement in Briana’s room.
She knows about us.
And from what Sophia had told me after the hours spent behind her computer monitor, Briana wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I hated that she was in danger, but having her here? Damn, it was better than I could imagine. I liked knowing she was near.
A short laugh escaped my throat when I recalled seeing Briana for the first time after the wedding. Fuck...she had been beautiful storming into the restaurant and not showing a drop of fear. She didn’t lose her shit when we were attacked, either. All damn day, she’d held that back ramrod straight. That was warrior material right there.
Except, I’d known that deep in those grey eyes there was a reason she’d come out here—me. It was all for me. And while I was pissed as hell that she was frightened, I was even more pissed that I hated how that made me feel.
It didn’t matter. I would protect her, not only because I got her into this mess but because she was one of my own.
She could be something more.
I threw back the rest of the scotch, slamming that turbulent thought down, and pushed into my kitchen. My arm ached like a bitch, but I was done medicating. Best to stay alert now that we were officially at war with the Metak Gang. Something didn’t add up, and when I thought about the shifting situation, I could feel that the answer was right there, eluding me, taunting me. Why the Serbs would steal from us by provoking a fight on this scale, I couldn’t figure out. They weren’t going to win. Already they were scrambling to hit us with everything in their arsenal; today’s mad chase down the highway was proof enough.
Shutting the dishwasher, I turned. There was a prickle at the base of my neck as I stepped into the hall and caught a breath of lavender and sunshine.
“Suits,” I murmured. “Everything alright?”
Briana snorted. “Hardly. The senior partners aren’t going to buy this work from a distance thing.”
Then your job isn’t that important.But I didn’t say that out loud. It was a losing battle. I took a step forward, drawn to her siren’s charm. She was wearing a sleeper set that showed off the toned length of her legs. There was an urgent need riding me. I had to know that in her eyes I was still the guy worth coming out here for...or did she now see me as a monster?
Briana’s gaze snapped to mine. “Viktor,” she warned.
“Shh,” I said, grabbing her arms. She was hot to the touch. I skated my hands over her bare arms and shoulders. A shiver rippled over her flesh.
Briana turned her face toward mine, her lips for me to take. I clutched the mess of hair bound at the nape of her neck and tugged it to the side. Throat exposed, I bent forward and trailed a whispered caress over her pulse. A desperate moan escaped her, shooting desire straight to my dick. My erection stiffened painfully against the waistband of my pants.
I found her mouth and walked her backward until she was trapped against the wall. Nothing else mattered. She was here. In my arms. I ran my palms across her ribs as I drank her in. I slipped my hand under the sleeper set and found lace and skin. Wrapping her leg around my hip, I leaned into her, grinding my erection into her core.
“Are you wet for me?” I demanded, kneading her ass in my palms. I was going to reach around and find out soon enough.
The crack of her hand striking my cheek broke the spell. I stilled.
“How dare you,” she seethed.