Page 84 of Fractured Vows
Sophia laughed softly, pushing the loose whisps of her hair back into her ponytail. “Not even close. She could try to murder me, and it still wouldn’t get her out of the contract with Viktor. These underworld contracts are binding.”
I pursed my lips.
“Wait—what are you thinking?” Sophia sat up straight.
I gave her a shake of my head.
“Come on, Bri. I know that look. What is it?”
“No contract is unbreakable.” I flexed my fingers, then proceeded to crack the knuckles.
Sophia only laughed. “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
My phone chose that moment to ring. Pulling it from the pocket of my dress, I groaned.
“Who is it?” Soph asked, brow crinkled in concern.
I flashed her the screen.
“Yikes. Took them long enough to call.” She flashed me a tight smile. “Want me to make their phone get a virus?”
I laughed. “That offer’s still on the table?”
“Always!” Soph gave me a squeeze, then opened the door to leave her office. “I’ll give you privacy and tell my brother what a treacherous wench his betrothed is. He’ll explode when he hears Anya was sneaking around in here.”
Leaving with a cackle, I clicked the door shut and accepted the call. “Hi, Dad, how’s the Hamptons?”
“Briana! Hey, kid, how’s work?”
I groaned. So, we were cutting right to the chase. “I’m keeping busy. Actually, I’m doing some long-distance work right now—”
“That’s what Charles tells me, and I thought to myself, no way my little Briana is playing hookie.”
“Mr. Avery is right. I’ve taken a much-needed trip out to LA, but I’m still working harder than any of the other first years.”
“Briana Maria,” my father returned sharply, his voice dropping scary low. “This isn’t some joke! You’re well situated in one of the best law firms. You have a—"
You know what, Dad, screw you!I glared out the window and cut him off. “Did Mr. Avery complain?”
My father stuttered, taken aback.
That was my answer right there, but I was a dog with a bone—I wanted it all. “Did he say anything to you at the country club?” I demanded. “Because in his correspondences to me,there had been no complaint.”
There was a pause. “Briana, this wasn’t the plan. You have work to be done out here—”
“You’re right, it’s not your plan. But it’s working out in my favor, and I’d beg you kindly to butt out. So, unless you want to talk and you really care about what’s going on in my life and how I’m doing, then this is the last I want to hear on the subject.”
“You’ve ruining everything,” he hissed.
“Goodnight, Dad.” And with that, I hung up.
Elation made my chest soar. I bounced from foot to foot, then made my way to the door. Stopping short with my hand on the knob, I realized there was only one person I wanted to run and tell. And while Sophia would be ecstatic, doing back flips in joy that I told off my father, it wasn’t her that I wanted to know. It was Viktor.