Page 99 of Fractured Vows
The door was ripped open, cutting off my shocked realization, and I winced as strong hands grabbed me roughly.
“I come in peace,” I bit out.
“It’s the little Russian prince! It’s Ace!” someone shouted.
There was only a moment to brace myself before a fist collided with my gut.
“Let me talk to Jakov,” I growled. There were precious seconds where I could have fought off their hold, but I let them grab my arms and pull me forward, well aware resistance would have resulted in a quick bullet.
This is madness.But apparently, I was stupid enough to be here, regardless.
“Give me one good reason not to spill your guts, pig,” a voice menaced.
“I have information for Jakov,” I insisted.
A hand shoved my head down, while the rest dragged me forward to a pair of boots. An open vintage car’s hood was to my right.
“And what would a pig like you have to say that would be of any interest to us?” a too calm voice asked. The menace lacing his words was palpable.
A series of blows fell against my body. I braced myself against the pain, not saying anything.
“Enough,” barked the calm one.
I wet my lips and looked up. “Jakov, I presume?”
“You have seconds to live, and only because I’m astonished to see you here, pig.”
The time for regrets was now. There were only two. “Well, I’d be more than happy to satisfy your curiosity, sir,” I said simply.
The brute behind me shoved my head into the table. Pain split through my head, and a stream of blood immediately trickled over my eye, making it impossible to see.
“Show some respect!” shouted one of the men holding me.
Apparently, something was lost in translation. I tried again, driving my message home. “We have a mole. Andrei Volkov from New York sent a spy into our Bratva, and he played your people against mine, creating chaos. How he profited, I’m as yet unsure.”
I’d been listening to the girls’ conversation before bursting into the bar and had been cool and calculated when my woman and sister were involved. But now that it was only my own skin on the line, I gave in to the recklessness that came with my anger.
“You dare to stand there and act the victim?” The Serb’s insult cut deep.
“I hang here, a man wronged, but I also realize I’ve wronged in turn.”
“Where’s your proof that this mole exists?” Jakov demanded.
I shrugged. “I’m here.”
“You’re an idiot—a dead man. I didn’t expect this level of lunacy from you,Ace.”
What could I say, I was spoiling for a fight. “So be it, but you’ll play right into our enemy’s hands.”
Suddenly there was a pistol in my vision. Heart jumping, there was only one image that flashed before my mind’s eye. I froze.
“I ought to put a bullet in your skull, Russian pig.”
“Yes, you should.” I flicked my tongue out to catch some of the blood dripping from a cut on my eyebrow.
“You have balls coming here alone.” Jakov gripped my short hair and tipped my head back. Seven bullets were inked on his throat, the beginnings of a pretty little necklace.Fuck me....
“I do.” I thrust my hips out as much as I could with the death hold they had on me. “Want to feel them, do you?”